Democrat President Joe Biden restored a sanctions waiver to the Islamic Republic of Iran, the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism, on Friday, as the administration desperately tries to get Iran to re-enter a nuclear deal.
“The waiver, which was rescinded by the Trump administration in May 2020, had allowed Russian, Chinese and European companies to carry out non-proliferation work at Iranian nuclear sites,” Reuters reported. “The waiver was needed to allow for technical discussions that were key to the talks about return to the deal formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).”
U.S. officials believe that even a restored Iran nuclear deal would still leave Iran capable of amassing enough nuclear fuel needed to make a nuclear weapon in a matter of mere months.
“Administration officials concluded late last year that Iran’s nuclear program had advanced too far to re-create the roughly 12-month so-called breakout period of the 2015 pact,” The Wall Street Journal reported this week. “Despite the change, the U.S. is pushing ahead with talks. A revised deal needs to be reached soon, the officials said, to leave the U.S. and its allies with enough time to respond to an Iranian nuclear buildup.”
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) slammed the Biden administration this week during a speech on the Senate floor over its weakness toward Iran.
“As a result of President Biden’s weakness and appeasement, this administration is ramping up to give a nuclear arsenal to the Ayatollah in Iran,” Cruz said. “The very same Ayatollah who chants ‘Death to Israel’ and ‘Death to America,’ the Biden administration is preparing to facilitate that Ayatollah having the weapons of mass murder to carry out those pledges.”
This is a developing news story; refresh the page for updates.