Australia’s Daily Telegraph newspaper obtained a copy of a research dossier compiled by Five Eyes on communist China’s alleged cover-up of the coronavirus outbreak, which stated that China intentionally destroyed evidence from the outbreak and revealed new, shocking details about China’s alleged cover-up.
Five Eyes is an intelligence alliance that is comprised of intelligence agencies from the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand.
“China deliberately suppressed or destroyed evidence of the coronavirus outbreak in an ‘assault on international transparency’ that cost tens of thousands of lives, according to a dossier prepared by concerned Western governments on the COVID-19 contagion,” The Daily Telegraph reported. “It states that to the ‘endangerment of other countries’ the Chinese government covered-up news of the virus by silencing or ‘disappearing’ doctors who spoke out, destroying evidence of it in laboratories and refusing to provide live samples to international scientists who were working on a vaccine.”
The 15-page intelligence dossier reportedly focuses on a team of research scientists from the Wuhan Institute of Virology that was led by scientist Shi Zhengli.
“It cites their work discovering samples of coronavirus from a cave in the Yunnan province with striking genetic similarity to COVID-19, along with their research synthesizing a bat-derived coronavirus that could not be treated,” The Daily Telegraph reported. “At least one of the estimated 50 virus samples Dr Shi has in her laboratory is a 96 per cent genetic match to COVID-19.”
Dr. Shi was reportedly terrified that the coronavirus pandemic originated in her lab but later changed her mind, which the report implies may have come after being pressured by China’s communist government.
In March 2019, Dr. Shi and her team published a review on bat coronaviruses in China that stated: “It is highly likely that future SARS or MERS like coronavirus outbreaks will originate from bats, and there is an increased probability that this will occur in China.”
The Daily Telegraph then highlighted the most “intriguing and worrying” case of someone being silenced by the China’s communist government: Huang Yan Ling.
“A researcher at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the South China Morning Post reported rumors swirling on Chinese social media that she was the first to be diagnosed with the disease and was ‘patient zero,'” The Daily Telegraph reported. “Then came her reported disappearance, with her biography and image deleted from the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s website. On February 16 the institute denied she was patient zero and said she was alive and well, but there has been no proof of life since then, fanning speculation.”
The intelligence document reportedly outlines how China began censoring terms from internet search engines in late December that were related to the Wuhan outbreak.
“The Hubei health commission ordered genomics companies to stop testing for the new virus and to destroy all samples,” The Daily Telegraph added. “A day later, on January 3, China’s leading health authority, the National Health Commission, ordered Wuhan pneumonia samples be moved to designated testing facilities or destroyed, while instructing a no-publication order related to the unknown disease.”
The document states that China had evidence that the coronavirus could be transmitted from human-to-human on December 6, yet did not admit that it could be spread from human-to-human until January 20, and did not quarantine Wuhan until January 23.
Read more from the bombshell report here.
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