President Biden boasted that he would be willing to lose his presidency over how he conducted the United States’ disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan.
CBS News correspondent Rita Braver said to Biden, “This has been a hard year. I mean, we’re in the middle of a pandemic. You know that various things that you’ve done have gotten a lot of criticism. You’ve had a hard time getting the other side to work with you … don’t you ever feel discouraged about this?”
“No,” Biden claimed.
“And doesn’t that criticism get to you? And how does Dr. B help you through that?” Braver asked solicitously.
“Well, you know, I guess it should get to me more,” Biden answered, before resorting to his time-honored claim he was giving his “word as a Biden,” saying: “But look: one of the things we did decide, and I mean this, my word as a Biden, I know what I’m willing to lose over. If we walk away from the middle class, if we walk away from trying to unify people, if we start to engage in the same kind of politics that the last four years has done? I’m willing to lose over that.”
“You mean, you’re willing to lose your presidency?” Braver asked, seemingly shocked.
“My presidency, that’s right,” Biden trumpeted. “Because I’m gonna stick with it. There’s certain things that are just, like for example Afghanistan. Well, I’ve been against that war in Afghanistan from the very beginning. We were spending $300 million a week in Afghanistan, over 20 years. Now, everybody says, ‘You could have gotten out without anybody being hurt.’ No one’s come up with a way to ever indicate to me how that happens. … And so, there are certain things that are just so important.”
Biden says he’s “willing to lose” his presidency over sticking by his botched Afghanistan withdrawal because he says there was no way to get out without anyone getting hurt.
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) December 13, 2021
As The Daily Wire has noted, the Pentagon admitted in early November that since President Biden withdrew all U.S. troops from Afghanistan in the summer, several dozen immediate family members of U.S. service members were still trapped there.
A memo issued by Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Colin Kahl asked U.S. military personnel and DoD civilians who had immediate family members requiring help to leave Afghanistan to contact his office, NBC News reported. The memo “instructs service members and Defense Department civilians to email a specific address with the subject ‘immediate family member,’” the network reported.
According to defense officials, several dozen immediate family members of U.S. service members were still in Afghanistan. “There are well over 100 extended family members still in Afghanistan, but it’s not clear how many of them want to leave the country,” NBC News stated, citing the officials.
In mid-November, a group of several former U.S. Navy SEALs slammed Biden during a Fox over the administration’s disastrous pullout from Afghanistan.
“If the Biden administration is so concerned about saving American lives with these mandates, these mask mandates and so on so forth, why don’t they mandate we rescue our citizens and save their lives as well over in Afghanistan?” asked Morgan Luttrell. “I was fortunate enough to run into an interpreter that served with us overseas for so long, in the past couple of weeks, and his family is still over there. And he pleaded with us, he begged us, he’s like, ‘Who do I need to get to help me get my family over?’ He spoke perfect English. Where’s that at?”
“All Biden has to do is say, let’s do this,” he continued. “Let’s mandate this; task Milley, task Austin, and go get our people.”