
Ben Shapiro Reveals What We Really Have To Fear From AI Chatbots
The 2020 presidential election may not have been stolen from Donald Trump but it sure looks like it was rigged after new revelations that Twitter had its thumb on the scales, according to The Daily Wire’s Ben Shapiro.
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It’s not the machines we have to fear, it’s the humans who are programming them with woke algorithms, Ben Shapiro warned his listeners Tuesday.

The best-selling author and host of the podcast and radio program “The Ben Shapiro Show” noted that various experiments with ChatGPT and other machine learning tools keep revealing artificial intelligence to be somewhere to the left of AOC. One test that went viral had ChatGPT insisting that it was wrong to utter a racial slur even if no one would hear it and doing so was the only way to save millions of people from nuclear annihilation.

“So what does this mean?” mused Shapiro. “It means that someone in the back room programmed ChatGPT to say that the absolute highest value in the hierarchy of values is you must never use a racial slur. There are no other higher values.”


The programmer is deciding what is moral and what is not and filtering it through “objective” artificial intelligence to give it a bizarre sheen of technological credibility, Shapiro said. Such a dramatic example likely underscores countless, more subtle ways the tool shades the information it spews to the left, he said.

The subjectivity being revealed in programs like ChatGPT is similar to that seen in social media platforms, Shapiro said, noting that in those cases humans also blamed machines when their bias was called out.

“You’ll see people at Facebook when they’re suppressing particular content, blame the algorithm,” Shapiro said. “You see the same thing over at YouTube. It’s the algorithm that’s devoting particular results. And at Twitter, before Elon Musk, it was the algorithm that had decided that only right-wing accounts would be banned, while left-wing accounts would be essentially broadcast far and wide.”

“It was all the algorithm,” he continued. “[But] there was, in fact, a Wizard of Oz who was sitting behind a curtain and who was tweaking that. And now, with the rise of chat AI, ChatGPT, and these very sophisticated AIs, we’re getting the same argument over again, and it’s used by powerful people in order to shield you from what they are doing.”

While many people fear artificial intelligence will take jobs away from humans, Shapiro said that is not the real danger.

“Human beings always find new jobs,” he said. “This has been the case up until now. Maybe this will be the end of it, but I doubt it.”

The real hazard, Shapiro said, is that what we think is objective, computer-generated information is claptrap contaminated by Leftist ideology.

“We have delegated enormous power to AI and then we pretend that the machine is thinking for itself,” he said. “This is dangerous stuff.”

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