After two recent polls revealed the strong support President Trump has among black voters, with the Rasmussen poll showing 34% percent and an Emerson University poll showing 34.5% support from black voters, another poll has been released showing the strong support for Trump among non-white voters. An NPR/PBS and Marist poll conducted November 11-15 found 33% of non-white voters approve of President Trump’s performance at his job.
As Real Clear Politics noted in October 2018:
Even 20 percent African-American support for Trump would all but dismantle Democratic Party presidential hopes for 2020. Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election with 88 percent of the black vote. That was about a six-point falloff from Barack Obama’s share of the black vote in 2012.
An op-ed in USA Today last week noted:
In the 2020 election, Trump seems likely to get between 25%-30% of the Latino vote. A recent poll by Telemundo found that 1 in 4 American Latinos would vote to re-elect him … Anything north of 30% is a decent showing for a Republican, and anything beyond 40% will make a GOP candidate virtually unbeatable … Latinos are now poised to be the largest racial or ethnic minority group to be eligible to vote in a presidential election, according to the Pew Research Center. By 2020, an estimated 32 million Latinos will be eligible to vote, which is just slightly more than the 30 million voters who are African-Americans.
As NBC News reported, Jose Fuentes, a former attorney general of Puerto Rico an an advisor for Trump’s reelection effort, stated, “Latinos are moving out of the urban centers, moving away from the stronghold of the Democrats … We’re microtargeting those areas that can be successful for us … This president has his own style. But my line is he’s been successful with it.”
Republican Texas state Sen. Pete Flores, speaking of immigration, said, “We came legally and so did our forefathers. That means a lot to us, the rule of law,” adding that Trump “has more support among regular folks than most people are letting on” because unemployment is so low.
Former Republican Rep. Lou Barletta, who had been mayor of Hazelton, Pennsylvania, in 2006, opined of Hispanic voters, “I think when the president talks about securing the border, about how people who are here illegally need to go home (because) they committed crimes, they understand what he is talking about.”
In November, Kanye West advised blacks not to feel they owe fealty to the Democratic Party, as reported by Page Six, asserting:
Own your power. Your power is not to just vote Democrat for the rest of our lives. That’s not the power. The power is when I talk to my lawyer … I put on my trench coat and said, ‘We’re moving these factories to America, and that’s how it’s going to be’ — and it’s lovely. We moved the headquarters to Cody, Wyoming … Our goal is to bring the manufacturing back to America — South America, North America — bring it back stateside and to present jobs for people back here.
West continued, “We’re brainwashed out here, bro. Come on, man. This is a free man talking. Democrats had us voting for Democrats with food stamps for years. What are you talking about guns in the 80s, taking the fathers out the home, Plan B, lowering our votes, making us abort children.”