Twitter-famous Alabama abortionist Dr. Leah N. Torres had her medical license suspended on August 27. Additionally, the Tuscaloosa abortion clinic where she serves as medical director, West Alabama Women’s Center, had their application to practice medicine denied by the Alabama Board of Medical Examiners the day prior.
Torres, who made waves on Twitter back in 2018 for boasting about cutting the cords of babies so she can’t hear their screams during abortions, apparently made fraudulent statements on her application, according to the medical board, reported Thursday.
“The Board denied an application for a certificate of qualification on Aug. 19, and on Aug. 27 temporarily suspended her license to practice medicine ‘until a hearing is held on the allegations against her,'” the report said, adding, “The letter of notice from the Board of Medical Examiners says that Torres, in her application, gave false answers to several questions including whether her staff privileges had ever been revoked or suspended at any hospital or health care facility.”
The letter of notice also said that Torres has made “public statements related to the practice of medicine which violate the high standards of honesty, diligence, prudence, and ethical integrity demanded from physicians licensed to practice in Alabama,” noted.
As reported by The Daily Wire back in 2018, Torres was defending her job as an abortionist, and gruesome partial-birth abortion in particular, when she posted a tweet about cutting a baby’s cords before they have the “opportunity” to cry out in pain.
“So [if] it’s not for the money, is it because you just like infanticide?” one Twitter user asked Torres. “Do you hear their heartbeats when you lay down at night? Do you hear their screams?”
The abortionist responded: “No. You know fetuses can’t scream, right? I transect the cord 1st so there’s really no opportunity, if they’re even far enough along to have a larynx.”
“I won’t apologize for performing medicine,” added Torres. “I’m also a ‘uterus ripper outer,’ if that’s how you’d like to describe hysterectomy.”
The depraved tweet has since been deleted.
During the Twitter back-and-forth, the abortionist stressed that she doesn’t abort babies for the money, but for some undeclared righteous reason, apparently.
Your ignorance is showing
Look up what docs get paid for delivering babies vs for performing abortions.
I’ll take $3K for the delivery over $100 for the abortion.
Why do anti-choice folks always think it’s for money?
— (@LeahNTorres) March 11, 2018
Spokeswoman for the West Alabama Women’s Center Robin Marty claimed that Torres’ medical license suspension was likely “based on misunderstandings.”
“West Alabama Women’s Center is following all state guidelines regarding its operation,” said Marty. “We believe the actions taken regarding Dr. Torres’s licensing application are based on misunderstandings concerning documents she filed with the Board of Medical Examiners and the Medical Licensure Commission. We know Dr. Torres to be an entirely honorable and professional doctor and look forward to the resolution of the issues relating to her application and license.”
As noted by, the abortion clinic was responsible for “3,371 abortions in 2018, out of 6,484 that year statewide, according to the Alabama Center for Health Statistics.”
Related: CREEPY: Abortionist Gets Defensive — And Then Depraved — On Twitter