Many people have warned me that talking about George Soros is dangerous. Others have told me that it is brave. If you comment on him on X, formerly Twitter, a whole network of blue checkmarks flood the replies saying you are anti-Semitic. But Soros does not really care that he is Jewish. He does not hold any allegiance to Jews. We need only to look where he spends his money. His financial records prove he is anti-Israel. But that is only the tip of the iceberg.
In January, Matt Palumbo published an in-depth biography on Soros titled “The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros.” Palumbo joined me to discuss his book a few months ago because I wanted to learn more. Soros has been on my radar for a long time. It seems like every time something terrible happens, that “something” can be traced back to Soros’ dollars. I want to continue talking about what I am learning, what Palumbo shared with me, and what we need to be on the lookout for moving forward.
Born to a Jewish family, Soros grew up in Hungary. During World War II, the Nazis set up Jewish councils in various countries to do their bidding against their own people. As Palumbo shared with me, some who participated were forced and others may have believed they would be spared from Nazi brutality. Soros was one of the children recruited into one of these councils. One of Soros’ assigned tasks was to help confiscate property of Jews living in his community. In what has become an infamous “60 Minutes” episode, Steve Kroft asks Soros about this experience: “That sounds like an experience that would send lots of people to the psychiatric couch for many, many years. Was it difficult?” Kroft was clearly giving Soros an out, a chance to express his regret, or perhaps his conviction, from having been involved. But without pausing, Soros vehemently shakes his head saying, “Not at all.” While smiling. Kroft had paved an easy path for Soros to gain sympathy from viewers, but Soros blew right past any chance of that.
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If Soros had been forced into this council in an attempt to survive as a child, we could all sympathize. But it was Soros’ response as an adult that is disturbing. The coldness of his response is unnerving. Not only was dehumanization apparently not difficult for Soros, but he also seemed to have no remorse. It is bizarre he did not identify what happened as horrific or comment on feeling sad. Instead, he nonchalantly and very plainly confirmed he did not feel guilt. His dad, Tivadar, even said in his autobiography “Masquerade: The Incredible True Story of How George Soros’ Father Outsmarted the Gestapo” that Soros seemed to have enjoyed participating with the Nazis. Needless to say, Soros is not a practicing Jew, nor is he welcome in his own home country. But Hungary is not the only country Soros is after.
George Soros wants to see the end of America. It is clear he is fostering America’s demise — the evidence is everywhere, especially his wallet. He has spent millions to fund electing DAs into positions of power across America. More liberal officials mean more chaos, which the Left seems to love. Palumbo said in all his research, he was unable to find one rogue DA in any of Soros’ funded districts to show where crime went down. Soros is ensuring that criminals are turned loose to run free on the streets. He wants to see police defunded, and he consistently donates to these initiatives. But he is being smart about it. As Palumbo told me, he essentially funnels money through one cause to make it to another, like Black Lives Matter. So he is passing money through a chain, making it appear as though he is giving to one cause, when really, his money is making its way to another. He gives to organizations that support a plethora of leftist causes and relies on everyone’s financial stupidity not to recognize it. Then, as another safeguard, his network of fact-checkers can cover his tracks. He is connected to people at practically all the major media outlets. So, most articles defend him or reframe the story entirely. And how does he control them? He funds them. His fact-checkers protect him while anyone else is afraid to expose him — since anyone else’s reputation would stand a good chance of being destroyed.
It is no mystery George Soros hates America. It is, however, a mystery as to why. Everything he is doing is forcing the Western hemisphere and America to spiral. He does nothing to help the Jewish people whose lives were ruined after the war. He does not give to Holocaust memorials. He does not support Israel. He obviously does not like the results that came from the war and believes it to have been an unrighteous ending. What does he believe should have happened post-World War II? Why does he have so much hatred for the people who liberated him? How could he spend his life having such contempt for Americans?
The CIA and the FBI are apparently unconcerned. But I think we should all be wondering why. We should be concerned that the FBI is not looking at Soros. Instead of dissolving his work, they are helping maintain it. Perhaps it is not just the journalists, DAs, and fact-checkers under his thumb.
If we connect the dots, we might wonder about his relationship with the CIA and FBI as well.
George Soros is 92-years-old, but his legacy will live on. He is made sure of that. He has four sons and one daughter, but his son Alex is the one who will likely fill his father’s role. We can expect cities to be full of more crime, have more criminals wandering the streets, see more underhanded political dealings, and attempt more of the demise of America. We need to be keeping a close eye on this man — and his legacy. Soros is not going anywhere, but if it is up to him, America might be.

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