On Friday, Campus Reform released a new video on YouTube in which Eduardo Neret asks students at American University about impeachment.
Neret first asks the students if they are following the ongoing impeachment trial. Almost universally, the students say that they are not.
“Um, not really, no.”
“Not as much as I would like to.”
“Not really. I mean, I see it a little bit just because it’s on the news everywhere, but I don’t actively follow it.”
“Only what I see, like, pop up on news alerts, or what I hear from professors or friends.”
One student is at least somewhat interested, telling Neret: “A little bit. I read The Washington Post’s five minute fix every morning.”
When asked why he’s not following impeachment, a male student wearing a Nintendo hoodie tells Neret:
To be honest, it doesn’t interest me at all … honestly, once I see anything regarding impeachment, I just turn my eye, I change the channel, I change the page. I don’t really care.
A male student wearing a red beanie says the impeachment just seems like “partisan stuff.” Another male student says that he’s busy, and that the “entire thing surrounding it” seems “toxic.”
The student who reads The Washington Post tells Neret that the impeachment is “honestly just, like, a show. It’s not actually – because everyone has read everything already.”
A male student wearing a University of Maryland hoodie says: “How many times can I read an article that has the heading, like, ‘He’s leaving office’? There’s like a thousand of them.”
Perhaps the most interesting portion of the video came when Neret asked the students if they believe President Trump should indeed be removed from office “based on what [they have] heard.”
“No comment,” said one student.
The following exchange took place between Neret and the student wearing the UofM hoodie:
HOODIE: I think constitutionally if there’s reason for him to be removed, he should be removed, and there was found to be reason, so I think so.
NERET: What reason to you comes to mind?
HOODIE: I mean…like, what was the reason, like, obstruction of justice or whatever, like, he, whatever reason that he, like…didn’t he…I don’t know.
The Washington Post reader spoke honestly, saying, “I don’t like him. I’m gonna be pretty honest. I don’t like him at all. I never did. But I don’t think he should be impeached for partisan reasons. I think unless the facts are there, then that’s the only fair way to do it.”
Red beanie noted the partisan nature of the impeachment process as well, saying, “It feels like it should be something that both parties agree on when you impeach someone.”
One exchange between Neret and a female student in a black sweater focused on Ukraine:
NERET: Do you feel from what you’ve seen so far that President Trump should be removed from office?
SWEATER: Oh, 100%. He definitely needs to get out of there.
SWEATER: Because he’s a bad president. He’s breaking the law. He, like, withheld aid from Ukraine. You can’t do that.
NERET: But Ukraine ended up getting the aid, so based on the allegations that they brought forward from the House, what crime do you think he committed that he should be removed for?
SWEATER: Um, like, lying to the American people.
Others were not so discriminating when it came to the “why” of President Trump’s removal from office.
“I really don’t agree with the way he treats people, and I think that most of the decisions that he makes are rash decisions,” said one student.
“Voter fraud would be one,” said another.
A third student said that Trump is a “corruptible president,” and that “besides Russia, the fact that he is detaining immigrants … in concentration camps.”
One student in a gray zip-up, however, said that the only way for Trump to be removed properly is through the 2020 election, and that removal via impeachment “would just cause a lot more problems.”
There’s more great content in the video, including an exchange with a student wearing a Che Guevara pin, which you can check out below. Also, check out Campus Reform’s website for conservative college news.