Conservative comedian and commentator Steven Crowder thought he’d try to expose the utter absurdity of modern academia — and it only took him a few months to do it.
Crowder said he’s now a peer-reviewed “expert” in the field of “Fat Studies” and had his ridiculous academic paper, titled, “Embracing Fatness as Self-Care in the Era of Trump,” accepted.
The conservative first pulled off the prank in 2020 but posted the video to his YouTube page on Monday. It’s since garnered nearly 1 million views.
Here’s how The Blaze detailed Crowder’s infiltration at Massey University in New Zealand:
Crowder went under cover as Sea Matheson, a fat pride activist, who submitted “her” very own fat studies paper for a presentation titled “Embracing Fatness as Self-Care in the Era of Trump.” Due to COVID, the in-person conference was canceled, but luckily, there was still a virtual conference.
Crowder’s abstract was accepted by the chairwoman Cat Paus, a self-described fat study scholar who scheduled Matheson to speak alongside other intellectual titans.
During his presentation, which can be viewed below, Crowder stays in character as “Sea Matheson” while explaining how Matheson first started understanding the idea that “fatness can be self-care.”
He also scolded then-President Donald Trump for ridiculing North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un as “short and fat.” And then-presidential candidate Joe Biden was ripped for challenging a man to a push-up competition as the Democrat campaigned.
“Because of our current leader’s bigotry: fatness I will argue, acts as a distancing mechanism from the president, as well as his supporters, producing both physical and ideological space that can insulate the individual from intolerant, bigoted, or violent ideology,'” Crowder said in the video.
“It’s widely acknowledged of course that the 2016 election of President Donald Trump was evident of America’s — some would argue — underlying racist, xenophobic, homophobic and transphobic attitudes,” the character continues. “I would argue that it was always there, not so underlying. It just took 2016 for more people to realize it.”
Crowder said he was praised for the ridiculous presentation.
“You did a great job presenting Trump’s fatphobia, and how fatphobia has been promoted by both his supporters and his detractors,” one person commented, according to The Daily Mail. Another said, “Embracing fatness is an act of resistance and can be part of how we fight against rape culture.”
“If this doesn’t show you the terrifying nature of the scam that is higher education, then nothing will,” Crowder told The Daily Wire of the troll.
Related: Did Steven Crowder Just Expose Wikipedia’s Left-Wing Bias? Watch His Test And Judge For Yourself.