He’s not only the “King of All Media,” but also a kingmaker of presidents, apparently.
According to notorious shock-jock Howard Stern, Hillary Clinton could have won the presidency if she had just done one thing: Come on Stern’s show.
Speaking with late-night show host Stephen Colbert on Tuesday night, Stern said that Hillary Clinton could have been humanized before his audience of “hardcore dudes” if she had merely agreed to do an interview on his show.
“I thought that if I did an interview with Hillary, … she would reach a new audience,” Stern said.
He noted his potential listenership of 66 million people and how the election had hinged on less than 80,000 votes in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin states where his show is popular. But the sit-down never materialized.
“What if Hillary had come on and, forget politics for a second, but what if we could have talked about her humanity, why she got into public service?” Stern wondered aloud.
“Here is a woman who dedicated her whole life to public service,” Stern continued. “What was her life like as a little girl growing up? What was her romance with Bill Clinton? What was she thinking when she was secretary of state? What was she thinking when she was the first lady? Was she saying to herself, ‘I wish I could be president,’ or was she satisfied with that? There were a million questions I could have asked her that I think would have humanized her.”
Stern may be right, though he fails to acknowledge the reality that the entire left-leaning media did try hard to “humanize” Hillary Clinton — including such failed gimmicks as her struggling to use a metro card in a New York City subway. Maybe, just perhaps, nobody could truly “humanize” Hillary Clinton.
Later, Stern admitted he would be willing to have any of the 2020 Democratic nominees on his show. He even expressed a personal admiration for the openly socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) for publicly defending Stern’s freedom of speech in the 1990s when the FCC had been working tirelessly to shut him down. Stern also said that Donald Trump, a long-time frequent guest on his show, did not actually want to be president.
“I don’t think he wanted to be the president. I knew him,” Stern told Colbert. “He had a great life at Mar-a-Lago. He was running around town. He played golf. He had a good time.”
Howard Stern has been making talk-circuit rounds the past few weeks to promote his new memoir, “Howard Comes Again.” Most recently, he admitted to having a personal fondness for Donald Trump despite their political differences.
“There’s a part of me that really likes Donald, but I just don’t agree politically,” he told The Hollywood Reporter.
The radio show host also openly defended late-night host Jimmy Fallon for committing the egregious sin of “humanizing” Donald Trump by “messing up” his hair.
“I had said to Jimmy, ‘It is absolutely absurd that anyone would lay a trip on you. I would do the same bit,'” Stern said in his book. “Everyone was curious what was going on in that bird’s nest, and you wanted to sit there and see. I thought the bit was fantastic. I think people tried to blame you or say, ‘Hey, Jimmy got Donald Trump elected,’ this or that.”