On Tuesday night, Planned Parenthood executive-turned-pro-life advocate Abby Johnson spoke at the Republican National Convention (RNC) to detail the truth about abortion, describing barbaric surgical abortion procedures without their usual euphemistic cover and highlighting Planned Parenthood’s racist founding that still reverberates today.
“[Planned Parenthood founder] Margaret Sanger was a racist who believed in eugenics,” asserted Johnson, who was once given the abortion giant’s “employee of the year” award. “Her goal, when founding Planned Parenthood, was to eradicate the minority population.”
“Today, almost 80% of Planned Parenthood abortion facilities are strategically located in minority neighborhoods,” she said. “And every year, Planned Parenthood celebrates its racist roots by presenting the Margaret Sanger award.”
Though Johnson started with Planned Parenthood under the impression that she would be helping young women, she learned that abortion was vital to the corporation’s bottom line, and their main concern.
Then, she detailed, Johnson was asked to assist a physician in an ultrasound-guided abortion. She recalled seeing an “unborn baby desperate to move away from the suction,” and the doctor callously joking, “Beam me up, Scotty.”
“The last thing I saw was a spine twirling around in the mother’s womb until succumbing to the force of the suction,” Johnson said.
She later left Planned Parenthood and became one of the leading pro-life advocates in the movement. In a memoir titled “Unplanned,” Johnson details her long journey to pro-life fighter. She has also started a ministry for abortion workers walking away from the industry called “And Then There Were None” (ATTWN), and ProLove Ministries, set up as a “sister organization” to ATTWN.
Concluding her speech, Johnson called President Donald Trump our most “pro-life” president and urged Americans to speak up for the unborn at the ballot box come November.
During an interview with The Daily Wire in 2018, Johnson detailed her last year at Planned Parenthood and the series of events that triggered her to leave, as similarly discussed in her Tuesday night RNC speech:
There were several reasons (why I left). Things were really, I don’t know, kind of turning upside down for me in 2009. That year out of Houston, my affiliate was building the largest abortion facility in the Western Hemisphere, which is now currently open. And the plan was to perform abortions through six months of pregnancy, which was problematic for me because I had always believed that abortion past the point of viability or close to the point of viability is wrong. That was one thing that was problematic.
That summer, we ran out of funding, which was common every summer, and we were basically told that we were not to give any discounts to patients who might have, you know, qualified for funding, but we were out of it. I remember bringing that up at a meeting with my boss. I said something like, “We’re a non-profit and we’re a charitable organization, we should be trying to help these women with annual exams or birth control,” and I remember her looking at me and saying, “Abby, being non-profit is a tax status, not a business status.” And that just really went against everything I thought we were doing there.
Then in August of that year, I was instructed to double our abortion quota – the certain number of abortions that we had to sell to women who came into our clinic. And then ultimately, I ended up leaving in October after witnessing a live, ultrasound-guided abortion procedure in which I saw a 13-week-old baby in the womb fight and struggle for his life against the abortion instruments. I knew then that there was humanity in the womb, and that abortion took the life of this human being, and I knew that I was on the wrong side of this debate.
So I decided then that I was going to leave and get another job. When I decided to leave, I went to a local pro-life group in town and asked them if they could possibly help me find another job with their contacts. When Planned Parenthood found out that I had gone to this pro-life group, they actually sued me and tried to get a permanent gag order against me so that I wouldn’t be able to talk about what I had seen at the clinic and things that I knew. The lawsuit failed, obviously, and I’ve been speaking out ever since, and just sharing my experiences.
Abby Johnson's full remarks at the @GOPconvention#RNC2020 pic.twitter.com/ECOUYOyVMt
— Team Trump (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@TeamTrump) August 26, 2020