In the midst of numerous major companies falling over themselves to send out messages promoting a twisted narrative based on partial truths about law enforcement, one company, Egard Watches, which was in the spotlight last year when it released a response to Gillette’s “Toxic Masculinity” commercial, has released a YouTube video dedicated to police officers.
“This world is so imperfect. It’s full of pain and fear,” narrates Egard owner Ilan Srulovicz as the video begins with footage of a burning car, riot confrontations, and individuals wearing masks.
“Despite all the chaos, all the judgement, we know that so many of you are good,” the video continues as it focuses in on a police officer.
After stating that we sometimes forget our own humanity, as well as the humanity of others, that mistakes are made, and bad people do indeed exist, the video acknowledges that a world without law enforcement would not be “better, but far, far worse.”
“We thank you,” the video says.
“We know how much of your sacrifice goes unnoticed, and we know that the worst of you get the spotlight instead of the best. Many of you have given your lives to protect ours, to keep us safe. We will not stand by and let your work go unnoticed. We will speak truth,” the narration concludes.
In plain white text over a black background, the screen reads: “Over 60 million Americans have police interactions per year. Many of which result in lives being saved.”
The Daily Wire spoke with Srulovicz about this video:
DW: What drove you to make this video addressing this issue?
SRULOVICZ: Initially, I was actually quite critical of the police. The video of George Floyd really struck me. I very much want to see better training for police and accountability, but as time went on I realized the actions we are seeing today are so damaging – vilifying all police when so many are good and risk their lives.
I understand that when an officer does something terrible, it’s truly tragic, but the atmosphere around this has become truly toxic, and people are now living in fear. I don’t want to live in a world without police. I want to see a world where police and communities can come together and improve. I don’t want to see segregation. I want to see unity, and yet all I see at the moment is narratives that will hurt not only police but the people in the communities these protesting organizations claim to want to help.
DW: Are you nervous about negative backlash in this current climate?
SRULOVICZ: Absolutely I am nervous – more so than anything I’ve ever done. This is frightening. When I made that response to Gillette and risked my company it was quite scary, but this is an entirely different level.
It’s gotten to the point where politicians, health officials, everyone is scared to simply say anything that these extremist groups don’t want said. We have an autonomous zone set up in the United States and people refusing to condemn it.
Police and people within communities were attacked, some killed, and the media refuses to condemn it. We have rhetoric that is so segregationist at this point and based entirely on people’s skin color, and it’s being celebrated. This is not the America I want to see.
Every company I see at the moment is pandering and virtue signaling. None of them actually care. None of them are willing to actually take a risk. It’s shocking to me that not a single company is willing to say something as simple as “This is going too far. Abolishing police is not the answer.” Instead, the groups openly saying they want police abolished (they say “defunded,” which is defended, but when you listen to any protest and the language used, they always end up admitting they want zero police, and their actions express this), these are the groups being promoted by huge corporations.
It’s time for us to stop living in fear and speak the truth. Yes, there are problems that have to be addressed, but what is happening right now isn’t right. I never imagined it getting this bad.
RELATED: Watch Company Launches Response To Gillette ‘Toxic Masculinity’ Ad; It Goes Viral
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