Senator Chuck Schumer’s threats against Justices Kavanaugh and Gorsuch on the steps of the Supreme Court yesterday were clearly meant to be physical intimidation. His spokesman now claims Schumer’s warning that the named justices would “pay a price,” “reap the whirlwind,” and “not know what hit them,” was referring to political backlash. But members of the nation’s highest court are, by design, insulated from political backlash. They aren’t elected. They can’t be kicked out of office for issuing an unpopular opinion. So if he wasn’t referring to a political price – and he couldn’t have been – then we must ask ourselves: what other sort of price can a public figure be made to pay by an enraged mob? It’s not hard to connect the dots. Schumer was attempting to intimidate sitting Supreme Court justices, to make them feel physically unsafe, so that they would decide a case how he prefers. That is not only disgraceful but illegal, and he should be arrested and charged.
The rest of the abortion enthusiasts rallying in D.C. have not behaved much better. Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) launched into one of her patented spittle-flecked rants, shouting that pro-lifers “shouldn’t want to have sex” with her. On that point, I expect broad bipartisan support. A woman who calls herself “the Beyonce of abortion storytelling” (which presumably means she lip-syncs her speeches) bragged about having killed her child, and encouraged the crowd to applaud all women who’ve had abortions. She was rather explicitly celebrating abortion, even as pro-aborts claim that nobody celebrates abortion. This is what we’ve come to expect from that side. They do and say things while insisting that nobody does or says the very things they are currently doing and saying.
The actress Busy Phillips vowed to never stop talking about her abortion, of which she is very proud because it helped further her D-list career. Is there anything sadder than someone who trades in their soul and their child for bit parts on “Drunk History” and “Cougar Town”? Bizarrely, she also promised to continue shouting from the rooftops about her “periods” and her “yeast infections.” It is not clear what yeast infections have to do with anything or why any sane person would bring them up, unsolicited, in front of an audience. But this is likewise to be expected. The mark of a modern feminist is that she loves to speak in graphic terms about her body and its functions, and she also wants you to know that all of the things she’s telling you, which you didn’t ask or want to hear about, are none of your business.
But we can’t allow the reason for these hysterics to get lost in the mayhem. The pro-abortion rage mob and its ringleaders weren’t mobilized by a case that threatens to overturn Roe v. Wade. In fact, the case at issue does not have any direct bearing on abortion rights at all. June Medical Services v. Russo stems from a lawsuit brought by abortionists against the state of Louisiana over a law that would require abortion clinics to have admitting privileges at a local hospital. The point is to protect women who suffer serious complications during an abortion procedure. The law would ensure that the abortion-injured patient can be admitted directly to a hospital and receive the potentially life-saving treatment she needs. In Louisiana, all ambulatory surgical centers are required to have admitting privileges. This is a very normal regulation that many types of medical clinics all over the country must comply with. If abortion is health care, and abortion clinics are health care facilities, there should be no objection to state laws that treat them accordingly.
Of course, in keeping with the theme, abortion proponents want to have their abortion cake, and eat it too. They want to present child murder as a legitimate medical procedure while reserving the right to go into spasms of fury if anyone proposes a law that treats abortion as a legitimate medical procedure. That’s because abortion, for them, isn’t so much medicinal as it is sacramental. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) was telling the truth when she linked abortion with “religious freedom.” No law, policy, regulation, or limitation may get within a thousand miles of the sacred ritual. They will defend unlimited abortions with the same satanic enthusiasm that the Aztecs defended their temples of human sacrifice from the Spanish invaders. All decency and dignity goes out the window. The idol must be protected at all costs. That is what we are witnessing in D.C. this week.