There are a few lessons we can learn from the disastrous beginning of the Democrat Party’s primary process. A process that, as they boasted in a tweet on Monday afternoon, they’d spent the last three years preparing for. Well the pilot of the Hindenburg was also “prepared,” but all of the preparation in the world cannot compensate for incompetent execution.
Somehow, after the build up, Monday night ended without a winner — or any results at all. It seems the Democrats decided to hand the facilitation and management of its primary over to a secretive firm literally called Shadow Inc, which is a bit like sending your children to a daycare center named Child Neglect LLC.
These are the sorts of unforced errors the Democrats cannot seem to stop themselves from making, as they continue to achieve the remarkable feat of making the Republican Party look competent by comparison. Of course, I may be giving them too much credit by calling the Iowa debacle an “error.” That categorization assumes there is no deliberate corruption at play here, and that is probably not a safe assumption. Especially given the Democrats’ track record with primaries.
All in all, this amounts to more good news for Donald Trump, a man who has been blessed with the most impotent and ineffectual adversaries the world has ever seen. But it is also an ominous warning about the future, should Trump still manage to lose to these blundering clowns (a possibility that seems less likely with each passing day).
We should keep in mind that these people, who cannot figure out how to operate their own primary, also want to operate the entire health care system. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren in particular have promised a complete government takeover of health care. Indeed, Sanders is on the record advocating a complete government takeover of all major industries. Which, by the way, is full-blown communism. And not “communism” in the loose, pejorative sense, but actual communism. The communism of Soviet Russia and the Khmer Rouge and many of the other evil, blood-drenched regimes of the 20th century.
This latter fact should be enough to cause us to run fast and far away from any candidate who advocates a full government takeover of any industry, let alone every industry. But if the 20th century is too far in the past to make an impression, than this Monday is lesson enough.
In order for the plans proposed by Sanders, Warren, and company, to have any appeal, we must first place our trust in the skill, competency, and integrity of government bureaucrats. This is the part of the case that the socialists never bother trying to make. Yes, they can tell a harrowing tale about the evils of capitalism, and they can convince us to look with suspicion on corporations and those dreaded billionaires, but they never get to the part where they actually explain why we should trust them instead.
That’s because even they could not make that argument with a straight face. We’ve all been to the DMV. We know how the government works. This week is just the latest example.
Related: ‘Inconsistencies’ Found In Democrat Iowa Caucus Reporting, Conspiracies Explode