As Live Action reports, prominent abortionist/serial killer Leroy Carhart, who has committed countless late-term abortions in his long and blood-drenched career, recently celebrated (somewhat ironically) his birthday. It was the decoration in his birthday photo that caught people’s attention. Carhart is seen posing next to his cake with a little placard that read: “Even on my worst days, I’m killing it.”
We can be certain that this quip is meant to imply exactly what it seems to imply. Indeed, Carhart does quite a bit of killing every day. And abortionists are not above joking about the slaughter they carry out. Recall, for example, the Planned Parenthood executive who joked that she might be able to buy a Lamborghini from all the money she makes on selling baby parts. When you have forfeited your soul, even dead babies are funny.
But the phrase “I’m killing it” is significant in Carhart’s case for another reason. It didn’t get any attention when it first aired, but the BBC did an interview with the abortionist a few months ago in which he admitted that he kills babies. That is, he didn’t bother with the usual euphemisms about “fetuses” and “terminations.” He called his victims “babies,” and said he even uses the term with the women who come to him. When asked if he “has a problem with killing babies,” he responded “absolutely not.”
In that same interview — this is all in the span of just one minute — Carhart also admits that women who have a “medical need” for abortion may simply suffer from depression. When pro-aborts claim that late-term abortions are only done in cases where it’s necessary to protect the health of the mother, they neglect to mention that this may be emotional health we’re talking about. The guy who actually carries out these crimes against humanity admits as much.
When pushed about the ethics of killing fully developed and viable infants, Carhart explained that “the baby has no input in this” as far as he’s concerned. From the baby’s perspective, says Carhart, “it makes no difference whether it’s born or not born.”
Carhart knows that “fetus” is just another word for baby. That’s why he uses the terms interchangeably. He knows that the women who seek his services are already mothers before they walk through the door. He knows that he is killing a human child. He knows that this act of killing is not medically necessary for the mother. Pro-abortion propagandists carry on with their talking points and sanitized language, but the guy who actually wields the scalpel knows better. He knows what he is doing and what — or I should say who — he is doing it to. His justification is cruelly simple: The baby doesn’t get a say. The baby’s life just doesn’t matter.
This one-minute confession from one of our nation’s most prolific killers of the unborn should be played again and again, and referred back to constantly, by pro-lifers. In less than 60 seconds, Carhart utterly dismantled some of the most common and (somehow) most persuasive pro-abortion arguments. He has no use for debates over when life begins. He knows that it begins well before he puts those forceps inside the mother’s birth canal. He just doesn’t care. That’s his only argument. And, in the end, that’s the only honest or coherent argument a pro-abortion person can make.