With counts still ongoing, a recount in Georgia not even started, and legal challenges still being mounted — in other words, when the matter of who actually won the election was still very much up in the air — the media decided that it had seen enough and declared Joe Biden the winner. As to this decision, I will maintain my radical stance that we can never know who won any election until all legal votes have been counted, and accusations of improprieties have been investigated and litigated. That has not happened yet in this case. We remain in limbo, whether the media chooses to acknowledge it or not.
But none of this stopped Joe Biden from taking to the stage Saturday to deliver his victory speech — a speech breathtaking in its dishonesty, phoniness, and arrogance. Of course, dishonesty, phoniness, and arrogance are the general tenor of almost any political victory speech, or political speech of any other kind, but this one managed to raise the bar by several notches.
Biden stressed “unity” over and over again, promised to bring Americans together and “heal” us, declared an end to partisanship, and announced his intentions to “restore the soul of America.” I am not sure how a soul is restored, much less how a president can do it. Perhaps it’s something that can be handled through Executive Order. However it is done, the point is that our souls have been restored, we are healed, and we can unite together, clasping hands in fields of daffodils and singing songs of joy. All is right in the world because Uncle Joe is here to sniff our hair and calm our fears.
But it is an odd thing — this healing, this unity. Even as Biden lays his healing hands upon us, and keeps them there for an uncomfortably long time, other Democrats like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are busy compiling enemies lists of people who supported Trump. Something called the “Trump Accountability Project” has been formed for the purpose of blacklisting anyone who committed the crime of wrongthink over the past four years. It appears that before we can hold hands and dance in the fields of flowers, a few — say, 70 million or so — heretics must be burned at the stake. Biden apparently forgot to mention that the healing shall commence only after his enemies have been slain before him. I suppose that doesn’t sound quite as inspiring in a speech.
That’s all this unity and healing stuff really is: fodder for speeches. Namely, speeches delivered by a man who belongs to the ideological and political club which has, for the past several years, insisted that all of their opponents are bigots, racists, or worse, and not worthy of acceptance in polite society. Anyone who threatened their agenda or defied their wishes was slandered, smeared, and ripped to shreds — labeled a gang rapist, even, if that’s what it took. In recent months, they have taken this machiavellian gospel to the streets, burning and looting and making victims of their fellow Americans, none of whom did anything in particular to incur their wrath. These are the same people who will tell you that if you belong to a certain race (white) and sex (male), you are fundamentally and irretrievably broken. Racist by your very nature, and probably a sexist, too. And, they have told us, we cannot come together under the flag or as Americans because America is systemically racist, a global disgrace, and its heroes are all monsters whose monuments must be defiled and destroyed.
But now a man steps out from among this group of bullies and smear merchants, and bids us to unite. Unite around what, though? And for what? What commonality, what shared sense of purpose, what universal goal or value, is supposed to bind us together? I wouldn’t know how to unite with Joe Biden and his ilk even if I wanted to — which, frankly, I don’t. Because I know the answer to my own questions. We are meant to unite in submission to the Democrat Party and its doctrines. We are meant to come together around the Democrats and their hollow vessel of a leader, to say congratulations, and hooray, and we agree, and about four or five other pre-approved sentiments. This is the unity for which Joe Biden pleads.
“I have won, so now we can be friends, as long as you follow the marching orders,” he says with a magnanimous smile. Well, call me ungrateful, but I do not find this pitch very appealing, nor believable. I don’t like division, but I’ll take it over a false and empty unity, around a false and empty man.
More from Matt Walsh: The Left Has Called Trump’s Election Illegitimate For Four Years. Now They’re Mad That He’s Returning The Favor.
The views expressed in this opinion piece are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.
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