Only a few days before the election, Nancy Pelosi became the latest in a long line of Democrats to call Amy Coney Barrett an “illegitimate” Supreme Court Justice. From the moment the vacancy opened, all the way up to and through the hearings and confirmation vote, Democrats labeled the process a “sham” and openly questioned the very validity of Barrett’s judgeship. There was, of course, no basis for these charges. Barrett was nominated and confirmed by an entirely legal and constitutional process, and there was nothing even vaguely strange or troubling about the way the White House and Senate Republicans handled the matter. Still, Democrats were willing to destroy America’s faith in the judicial branch just for the sake of scoring political points.
This has been a tried and true Democratic strategy for many years — especially since President Trump’s election, the results of which they have never for a moment been willing to accept or validate. Hillary Clinton has spent Trump’s entire tenure crying foul to anyone who will listen, branding Trump an “illegitimate” president who “stole” the election. Nearly every Democrat on the national stage has echoed these sentiments. The rest have aided the slander through their silence. There is, once again, no basis for any of this. Donald Trump was elected fairly and legally, and no accusation of “collusion” with Russia was ever proven despite ceaseless attempts by an opposition party determined to punish Trump for the crime of having become president in the first place.
Democrats have never taken kindly to losing, nor have they been willing to admit when it happens — just ask Stacey Abrams. Or better yet, Al Gore. In 2000, Gore refused to concede the presidential election until a Supreme Court decision forced his hand in mid-December of that year. Bush was tagged as an election thief thereafter, and the label stuck at least until the media started rehabilitating his image in order to use their newfound respect for him as a bludgeon against Trump.
These are all things to keep in mind as you watch the media and Democrats hyperventilate over Trump’s “shocking” and “unprecedented” claims that the 2020 election is being stolen from him. Whatever you think of the fraud allegations being made by the Trump camp, it must be said that the shock Democrats are feeling is the shock of having the shoe on the other foot. If Trump’s cries of illegitimacy and vote theft are knowingly incorrect, the ruse is unprecedented only because it’s a Republican pulling it this time.
As it happens, there are actually valid reasons in this case to get the courts involved and take a second look at the counting process in some of these states. This election has what no other election in American history has ever had: tens of millions of people mailing in ballots over the course of months, coupled with tens of millions more showing up to the polling place the old fashioned way on Election Day. At best, the last minute rule changes to allow this overwhelming influx of mail-in votes have caused confusion. At worst, it has provided a forum and cover for fraud. Whatever the case, there is grounds for litigation. But even if you disagree, if you are a Democrat who has been screaming that Trump is “not your president” over these past four years, you are in no position to criticize what he’s doing now.
The views expressed in this opinion piece are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.

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