If you want to see the collapse of western civilization summarized in 30 seconds, you can’t do better than this viral video. It shows the action at a recent drag brunch, which is an event where white liberals go to drink mimosas and watch cross dressing men dance badly to pop music. But at least one of the white liberal couples at this drag brunch decided to bring their very young daughter along for the ride.
The girl, who looks to be maybe five or six years old, is given a place of honor right at the front. The drag queen — dressed in booty shorts, bedazzled spandex, and fake breasts — puts the child in a chair and begins dancing suggestively and crawling around on his hands and knees. At the end of the clip, he leans in and hugs the visibly confused and disturbed girl. The adults (I use the word loosely) in the room look on and cheer.
A few observations must be made. The first is that this is obviously child abuse. I can’t imagine why anyone would care to go to a drag brunch or any other drag related event, but adults are perfectly free to make that bizarre choice if they wish. Children, though, do not and cannot consent to being exposed to this, much less participating in it, much less performing drag themselves.
The people who defend this stuff are as incoherent as expected. Even they would agree, presumably, that you shouldn’t bring minors to a burlesque show. Yet if the burlesque performers are male, and we call them drag queens, suddenly it’s family friendly? What sort of sense does that make? In a similar way, nobody would suggest that 9-year-old girls should become burlesque performers, but some people have no problem with 9-year-old boys being recruited into the industry. This is all nonsensical.
The second thing that immediately jumps out when you watch the video is the row of men (again, term used loosely) sitting in the background with big, stupid smiles on their faces. The story of the proliferation of child sexual abuse and exploitation is, in many ways, a story of henpecked, emasculated men abdicating their roles as fathers and husbands. The man who not only tolerates but applaud this level of degeneracy is a sort of moral eunuch, having failed so utterly in his masculine duties. The appropriate response from a man when his wife suggests bringing the kids to a drag brunch is some variation of “Hell no, not gonna happen.” These men haven’t the spine or the wherewithal to protect their children’s dignity and their own.
There is no defense for what we see in that video. A just and sane society would answer with legal force, shutting down the event and carting every adult in the room to jail. Instead, our culture responds with polite, tolerance applause. It is a disgrace.