The Virginia Department of Health promoted an organization called “Queer Kid Stuff,” as well as an online chat service marketed to teenagers who identify as “LGBTQ+.”
“Queer Kid Stuff is an LGBTQ+ and social justice website for kids and families. The site includes links to helpful resources, videos, and more,” the Virginia Department of Health posted on its website.
Queer Kid Stuff is an organization dedicated to engaging in leftist activism in the education system, with a specific focus on the minds and beliefs of young children. The organization is “working to actively destigmatize queer topics in early childhood spaces.”
Its website says it emphasizes “Centering queer identity, experience, and history at the core of all of our work with particular emphasis on unearthing historic erasure, honoring the Black and Brown trans women at the core of the modern (and historic) LGBTQ+ movement.” In addition, the group is “dedicating our primary efforts toward liberating all children from white supremacist systems.”
The organization’s YouTube channel includes a video titled “What is Transitioning?” that discusses using hormones and surgery to masculinize or feminize an individual. It even mentions “top surgery” and “bottom surgery.” The video goes on to discuss “trans kids” and the use of puberty blockers. The description says Queer Kids Stuff hosts an “LGBTQ+ educational web series for children ages 3+ hosted by a tie-wearing queer lady, Lindsay, and her non-binary best-stuffed friend, Teddy.”
In another video, two drag queens teach children to make gay and transgender Pride flags. Another video provides educators with “5 tips for making your classroom QUEER-INCLUSIVE.” The first suggestion is to avoid the phrase “boys and girls.” All of the videos feature a teddy bear puppet. In addition, the organization also hosts “Queer Teachers Rock: A Miniconference for Queer Teachers by Queer Teachers.”
Meanwhile, the Virginia Department of Health also promotes the QChat Space, an online chat platform for those as young as 13 who identify as “LGBTQ+.” The online chat platform has hosted conversations on drag, sex and relationships, and even “queer youth activism.” Another talk was titled “Finding Chosen Family.”
The QChat Space website includes a green button at the bottom of the page, allowing users to leave the site quickly. The button, which reads “Click/tap here for a quick escape,” takes users to the Google homepage when pressed.
One academic article published on the National Library of Medicine website praised the QChat Space, saying, “The platform’s chat-based nature likely helps youth avoid concerns about family members accidentally overhearing their conversations.”
The Virginia Department of Health did not respond to a request for comment.