The video hosting platform, Vimeo, has removed another documentary critical of “gender-affirming care” less than a month after deplatforming “Dead Name,” a film told from the perspectives of three parents whose children were introduced to “gender identity” ideology.
“Affirmation Generation: The Lies of Transgender Medicine,” a new film created by self-described “lifelong, West Coast Liberal Democrats,” has been wiped off the video-sharing service less than four days after its online release. The documentary explores the potential dangers of the model of healthcare that “affirms” both children and adults in their transgender identities with powerful hormones and irreversible surgeries rather than noninvasive treatment options.
“There is no room for such censorship in a democratic society,” the film’s creator, Vera Lindner, told The Daily Wire. “The detransitioners, who are shunned, silenced and brutalized online, have been silenced again.”
The film features stories from six detransitioners who were steered into irreversible sex change treatments and now regret their procedures. Many described being affirmed on their first appointment and pushed toward medical transition without adequate diagnosis or mental health evaluations.
“Detransitioners Michelle, Laura, Cat, David, Joel and Abel tell their stories of their gender distress, transgender medicalization, and subsequent detransition,” reads the documentary press release. “Without diagnostic clarity or mental health evaluations, they were affirmed on their first appointment and sent on a path of medical transition by their doctors. These young people were harmed irrevocably by the doctors they trusted.”
It delves into the reasons young people with severe mental health issues are permitted to remove perfectly healthy body parts at the behest of a radical postmodern ideology. According to the film, the “informed consent” model, which is based on the idea that mental health assessments are unnecessary barriers to care, requires a person to sign a consent form before undergoing chemical and surgical sex change procedures. This model has been widely adopted by gender clinics, which were sparse a decade ago, but have grown exponentially to several hundred locations in North America. Critics say the growth is due to patient demand, not medical necessity.
The film features interviews with psychotherapists, mental health professionals, and medical doctors who are raising alarms. They are concerned about the explosive increase in adolescents, especially young girls without prior history of gender distress, adopting a transgender identity and the pathway they are put on toward lifelong medicalization.
“We made an extraordinary effort to include statements of truth and fact, money trails that are easily documented by a quick, or deep search online, and tried to make it balanced, non-political and non-ideological,” said Lindner.
“We cited 45 peer-reviewed medical articles that are a click away, and platformed 12 experts with decades of clinical practice, including an Oxford professor,” she added.
Throughout the film, experts rebuke the common claims that puberty blockers are fully reversible and that “gender-affirming” care is life-saving. Oxford sociology professor Dr. Michael Biggs addresses the affirm-or-suicide myth using data he collected from the U.K.’s largest pediatric gender clinic. He found that only four patients out of about 15,000 between 2010 to 2020 were known or suspected to have died by suicide.
The documentary explores how U.S.-based medical associations depart from a growing international consensus that has abandoned the “affirmative” model of care. Sweden, England, and Finland have conducted systematic reviews of the available evidence on puberty-blocking drugs and cross-sex hormones used in pediatric gender medicine, as has Florida’s Boards of Medicine, with each concluding that the risks far outweigh any purported benefits. This resulted in the closure of prominent gender clinics, strict restrictions on the use of cross-sex hormones, and banning gender-related surgeries for minors in European countries and Florida.
For the time being, the 90-minute film can be viewed on, a substack by gay and lesbian authors dedicated to viewpoint diversity surrounding the contentious topic of “gender identity” politics.
Vimeo did not respond to The Daily Wire’s request for comment.