Steve Forbes — the editor-in-chief of Forbes magazine — warned about the implications of countries like American Express participating in divisive diversity training.
As The Daily Wire’s Chrissy Clark reported on Thursday, whistleblower documents reveal that American Express — a financial services company that earned $2.3 billion in profits last quarter — welcomed the grandson of the Nation of Islam’s founder to discuss the evils of capitalism with employees.
The New York Post published portions of Dr. Khalil Muhammad’s lecture about “race in corporate America.” He blamed the plight of black America on “systemic racism” and said that American Express must do more to address its relationship with “racial capitalism.”
“So, I first say that American Express has to do its own digging about how it sits in relationship to this history of racial capitalism,” Muhammad argued. “We didn’t get to the wealth gap by virtue of a series of bad decisions and bad decisions and bad parenting by black boys, black people. We got there through exploitative extractive systemic racism.”
Forbes — who has made two bids for the White House as a Republican — debunked the narrative forwarded by Muhammad.
“These things have very real consequences,” he told Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo, “and I wonder if AmEx is going to bring in people to talk about the virtues of free markets and how it enables people, as Lincoln put it, to improve their lot in life.”
“And how slavery had been with us for 4,000 and human existence, only in the last 200 was a real effort made to get rid of slavery led by religious leaders,” Forbes noted. “So it’s all fine to talk about the past. But the thing is, where do we go from here?”
Forbes then proposed other avenues for bettering the United States.
“And I would like a course on how we can change the schools in America, which are holding back millions of kids with a rotten education, which we saw during the pandemic,” he said. “How about liberating kids from the schools so the parents have real choice and get their kids a good education and a better life?”
According to an analysis by The Daily Wire, Fortune 100 companies — the largest firms in the United States by revenue — allocated over $37 billion toward racial equity initiatives since the death of George Floyd in May 2020. The allocations represent less than 0.5% of the companies’ collective $9 trillion of earnings from the last fiscal year.