Musician and left-wing activist John Legend urged fellow Democrats on Thursday to forgo giving money to their local food bank to feed and shelter the homeless and hungry and to direct their money to Senate Democrats in Georgia instead.
Legend, who is married to supermodel and fellow anti-Trumper Chrissy Teigen, made the shocking remarks in response to a tweet from Mark Cuban, who encouraged Americans to give to the needy over political campaigns.
“For those considering donating to Reps or Dems in the Georgia Senate run-offs, can you please re-consider and donate that money to your local foodbank and organizations that can help those without food or shelter?” Cuban posted. “Let’s put Americans in need above Politics.”
Legend turned heads in response, writing: “I get that politics is annoying and contentious, but the bottom line is that the Senate flipping would be far more impactful than a food bank donation. We need massive stimulus and aid to individuals and small businesses. Government needs to do this. Charity isn’t sufficient.”
I get that politics is annoying and contentious, but the bottom line is that the Senate flipping would be far more impactful than a food bank donation. We need massive stimulus and aid to individuals and small businesses. Government needs to do this. Charity isn’t sufficient
— John Legend (@johnlegend) November 12, 2020
The “All of Me” singer posted a follow-up tweet claiming he will be doing both: giving to the homeless and to Senate Democrats.
“That being said, I’ll be doing both,” he wrote.
That being said, I’ll be doing both
— John Legend (@johnlegend) November 12, 2020
Unsurprisingly, Legend was hit with backlash online from folks across the political spectrum.
Georgia Democrat Barrington Martin ripped the musician: “How much is the Democratic establishment paying you? Seriously advocating against donating to food banks to donate to political campaigns is utterly detestable. It’s a damn shame quite frankly. Remember you said this if we ever see a food shortage anytime soon.”
How much is the Democratic establishment paying you? Seriously advocating against donating to food banks to donate to political campaigns is utterly detestable. It’s a damn shame quite frankly. Remember you said this if we ever see a food shortage anytime soon.
— BDMII (@_BarringtonII) November 12, 2020
“Yo f*** your hungry ass.. We need budget reconciliation now,” mocked conservative writer Stephen Miller.
Yo fuck your hungry ass.. We need budget reconciliation now.
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) November 13, 2020
“Folks don’t give to charity! Give to politicians who cling to power and break promises! What a dumpster fire of a tweet,” remarked radio host and journalist Jason Rantz.
Folks don’t give to charity! Give to politicians who cling to power and break promises!
What a dumpster fire of a tweet.
— Jason Rantz on KTTH Radio (@jasonrantz) November 13, 2020
“This is who they are,” asserted The Blaze’s Sara Gonzales.
This is who they are.
— Sara Gonzales (@SaraGonzalesTX) November 13, 2020
Becket Adams simply responded, “psychotic.”
“Don’t give to the starving poor families, give to the Democrats. Wow!” exclaimed Reagan Battalion.
Don’t give to the starving poor families, give to the Democrats.
— Reagan Battalion (@ReaganBattalion) November 12, 2020
In addition to the objectionable message from Legend encouraging Americans to forgo donations to the needy, his comment also suggests it is Democrats who are supporting small businesses and individuals, not Republicans, when it is largely the Left and elected Democrats who are advancing brutal lockdown measures that continue to decimate small businesses and their workers.
Moreover, as highlighted by conservative Matt Whitlock, Democrats just last month blocked a $500 billion Senate relief bill from Republicans.
“This is crazy, John,” Whitlock responded. “Democrats just blocked a Senate bill that had funding for individuals and small businesses, House Democrats’ bill didn’t even have small business funding. Telling people not to feed the homeless because a Dem government will take care of them is just wrong.”
This is crazy, John. Democrats just blocked a Senate bill that had funding for individuals and small businesses, House Democrats' bill didn't even have small business funding.
Telling people not to feed the homeless because a Dem government will take care of them is just wrong.
— Matt Whitlock (@mattdizwhitlock) November 12, 2020
On Election Day, Legend and his wife danced to a song called “F*** Donald Trump” and posted it online.
— chrissy teigen (@chrissyteigen) November 7, 2020