Cindy McCain broke radio silence and publicly endorsed Joe Biden for president on Tuesday, arguing that her late husband, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), would have wanted it.
President Donald Trump, however, said she and “Sleepy Joe” can have each other.
In a tweet on Wednesday morning, the president referred to Joe Biden as “John McCain’s lapdog” that joined him in many bad decisions, such as the Iraq War.
“I hardly know Cindy McCain other than having put her on a Committee at her husband’s request,” Trump tweeted. “Joe Biden was John McCain’s lapdog. So many BAD decisions on Endless Wars & the V.A., which I brought from a horror show to HIGH APPROVAL. Never a fan of John. Cindy can have Sleepy Joe!”
I hardly know Cindy McCain other than having put her on a Committee at her husband’s request. Joe Biden was John McCain’s lapdog. So many BAD decisions on Endless Wars & the V.A., which I brought from a horror show to HIGH APPROVAL. Never a fan of John. Cindy can have Sleepy Joe!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 23, 2020
In her endorsement on Twitter, McCain said that her husband “lived by a code,” which put country over political party.
“My husband John lived by a code: country first. We are Republicans, yes, but Americans foremost. There’s only one candidate in this race who stands up for our values as a nation, and that is @JoeBiden,” she said.
“Joe and I don’t always agree on the issues, and I know he and John certainly had some passionate arguments, but he is a good and honest man. He will lead us with dignity,” she continued. “He will be a commander in chief that the finest fighting force in the history of the world can depend on, because he knows what it is like to send a child off to fight.”
Biden tweeted that he was “deeply honored” to have Cindy’s endorsement, saying that the election was bigger than a political party.
“Cindy — I’m deeply honored to have your support and your friendship. This election is bigger than any one political party. It requires all of us to come together as one America to restore the soul of the nation. Together, we’ll get it done.”
Though “The View” co-host Meghan McCain has not yet endorsed a presidential candidate, she has expressed concern over Joe Biden’s pro-abortion views, which includes overturning the Hyde Amendment to ensure taxpayer-funded abortions. Speaking with former Republican Ohio Gov. John Kasich recently, Meghan McCain wondered if Biden’s views should be of concern for Republicans who dislike Trump.
“I hate President Trump, and I think everybody else knows that, but there are some policies on the left specifically with Senator Kamala Harris right now having to do with abortion,” said Meghan McCain. “She co-sponsored a bill opposing any limits at all when you can get an abortion and it’s a big break from Joe Biden’s past positions. And the Biden-Harris campaign is also running on taxpayer funding for abortions.”
“I was surprised at this, including those after 20 weeks. You’re pro-life, and I know that. You were pro-life in politics as am I,” she continued. “It’s a big, big part of who I am and my platform, and I don’t think taxpayers should be funding abortions for women who are as pregnant as I am right now. So how would you push back against a voter like me who’s concerned about things like this in a possible Biden/Kamala administration?”
Kasich said that while he disagrees with Joe Biden on a number of issues, including the capital gains tax, he believed that the former vice president would be able to pull the country back together.
“I agree with your position on the life issue, but look, again I’m not a person — first of all, I disagree with Joe Biden in a number of areas, like some of what he’s talking about in terms of capital gains taxes — but the issues here are dwarfed, in my opinion, by the fact that he’s a person that can pull us together,” said Kasich. “So do I think that if he wins, all of the sudden, all of these things are gonna happen that are negative? No, I don’t believe that at all, because that’s not his character. That’s not who he is.”
Related: Cindy McCain Endorses Joe Biden: ‘My Husband John Lived By A Code’