
Trump Just Dealt A Massive Death Blow To Gender Ideology

Trans activists have been utterly humiliated and rejected on the national stage.

WASHINGTON, DC - JANUARY 23: U.S. President Donald Trump speaks to reporters after signing a series of executive orders in the Oval Office of the White House on January 23, 2025 in Washington, DC. Trump signed a range of executive orders pertaining to issues including crypto currency, Artificial Intelligence, and clemency for anti-abortion activists. (Photo by Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)
Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

Here’s a little history on barbaric medical experiments that you probably weren’t taught in school. In the early 1950s, lobotomies were having something of a heyday in the United States.

Approximately 50,000 lobotomies were performed in just a couple of years. Doctors were eager to drill holes into people’s skulls and carve out brain matter. But the United States was an outlier in this regard. Elsewhere in the world, around the same time, lobotomies were being outlawed. The Soviet Union banned lobotomies in 1950, with officials saying the practice was “contrary to the principles of humanity” because it turned people into, “idiots.” Soon afterwards, countries like Germany and Japan followed suit with their own bans on lobotomies. But the United States never implemented a similar ban of its own. To this day, there is no federal decree banning lobotomies — even though it’s universally recognized as a grotesque procedure that has a permanent, catastrophic effect on some of the most vulnerable people in society.

In 2025, of course, this is something of a moot point. Lobotomies aren’t performed in the United States anymore. People become hollowed-out, 50-IQ shells of their former selves through a steady diet of TikTok and Netflix instead. But at the same time, we do have a kind of modern analogue to lobotomies in this country. For the past decade or so, the idea of “transgender medicine” has taken hold in pretty much every major hospital. Like lobotomies, so-called trans medicine promises to fix a serious mental problem by artificially modifying — and in some cases carving up — the human body. And like lobotomies, oftentimes, these transgender procedures are performed on children. As we’ve documented many times, hospitals all over the country have provided cross-sex hormones and puberty blockers to minors, in order to affirm their subjective sense of gender (and to make some money for the hospital, of course). And in some cases, hospitals have gone beyond that. They’ve offered full-on surgeries as well, including double mastectomies and “vaginoplasties”, to children under the age of 18. This is not a conspiracy theory. This is not a right-wing talking point. Pull up research papers from, say, Boston’s Children’s Hospital, and you’ll find that they’ve admitted to performing dozens of double mastectomies on minors. Jazz Jennings was 17 years old when surgeons mutilated his genitals and created a fake “vagina” in its place. There is no denying it: As was the case with lobotomies, children are being permanently disfigured in the name of junk science.

But as of yesterday, the analogy to lobotomies ends there. That’s because this time around, the Trump administration has made it very clear that we’re not going to wait for the rest of the world to ban this barbarism. We’re going to do it ourselves. Thanks to four years of Democrat rule, we are still, once again, behind much of the western world here. But better late than never. It has now been declared at the highest levels of government that there is no justifiable reason whatsoever to castrate, sterilize, or mutilate a young child in order to affirm that child’s alleged “gender identity,” which is a meaningless, invented and completely unscientific concept. We’re going to lay the groundwork for massive lawsuits against the butchers who have taken part in this affront to common sense and human decency. We’re going to stop forcing taxpayers to subsidize the quacks behind this fraud. We’re going to empower the DOJ to pursue criminal action against anyone who mutilates the genitals of a child. And that’s just the beginning.

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All of these tenets were outlined in the executive order that Donald Trump signed yesterday, which is entitled, “PROTECTING CHILDREN FROM CHEMICAL AND SURGICAL MUTILATION.” To be clear, this is distinct from Trump’s other orders on gender ideology, which we’ve discussed before. Previously, Trump has banned transgender-identifying people in the military, and he’s established that there are only two genders. He’s also eliminated all forms of DEI. But as important as those orders are, this one is even more expansive and far-reaching. It’s not an exaggeration to say that Trump has just signed one of the top-5 most important executive orders in the history of the United States, at a minimum.

So, let’s go through it in detail. And as we do, I’ll make it clear what this order does, and what it doesn’t do. To begin with, the order defines “gender-affirming care” as the equivalent of “chemical and surgical mutilation,” which encompasses everything from surgeries to puberty-blockers and cross-sex hormones. So right away, the federal government has just eliminated the Biden administration’s endorsement of “gender-affirming care.” And now we’ve replaced it with much more accurate terminology.

Then the order makes, by far, its most important contribution to ending gender ideology in this country. I will recap the order here, and then I’ll explain why this matters so much: “The blatant harm done to children by chemical and surgical mutilation cloaks itself in medical necessity, spurred by guidance from the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), which lacks scientific integrity.” The order then states that all federal agencies, including HHS, must rescind any and all reliance on WPATH guidelines.

It then states that the new HHS secretary, “shall publish a review of the existing literature on best practices for promoting the health of children who assert gender dysphoria, rapid-onset gender dysphoria, or other identity-based confusion.”

On the surface, you might think this particular part of the order isn’t necessarily that important. But it’s actually critical, for two reasons. First of all, as I’ve outlined at some length before, WPATH is — and has always been — an organization full of dishonest and demented charlatans. The internal WPATH files, as reported by Michael Shellenberger, demonstrated very clearly that WPATH understands that children can’t consent to chemical or physical castration. But they pushed it anyway — in part because the Biden administration encouraged them to do so. And yet, major hospitals have adopted WPATH’s guidelines for so-called “trans medicine,” wholesale, over the last few years.

This is happening for a very specific reason. Doctors — including “gender doctors” — are terrified of one thing, which is malpractice lawsuits. Malpractice lawsuits can bankrupt doctors. They can destroy entire hospitals, if they’re big enough. So there’s a lot of risk involved in sterilizing or castrating a child. At the same time, these doctors desperately want to perform “gender affirming procedures,” because they make a lot of money for the hospital. As you might remember, I found a video of a Vanderbilt doctor saying exactly that.

The solution that these gender doctors have decided on, is to defer to the self-appointed “experts” at WPATH. They know that, if they can point to an established “standard of care” from some governing body, then they’re basically immune from malpractice lawsuits. That’s how malpractice law works. If doctors can show that they were just following established guidelines, then you can’t sue them.

That’s why this Trump executive order is so important. From this point forward, the WPATH guidelines are no longer the “standard of care,” by any definition. The federal government — and its healthcare agency, the HHS — have just publicly rejected everything WPATH stands for. The White House and HHS have just labeled WPATH “junk science,” which is exactly what it is. So doctors can no longer hide behind WPATH’s guidelines to avoid malpractice lawsuits. And right away, that will cause their malpractice insurance to go through the roof. It’ll dramatically enhance their liability. And eventually it will make them stop these procedures entirely.

But just in case it doesn’t, the executive order contains this provision: “The head of each executive department or agency (agency) that provides research or education grants to medical institutions, including medical schools and hospitals, shall … immediately take appropriate steps to ensure that institutions receiving Federal research or education grants end the chemical and surgical mutilation of children.”

In other words, if a hospital receives any kind of federal funding — which every major hospital does — then they need to stop castrating and sterilizing children. Otherwise, they stand to lose hundreds of millions of dollars. And in fact, they might lose even more than that. The order continues by mandating that, “The Attorney General shall: review Department of Justice enforcement of section 116 of title 18, United States Code, and prioritize enforcement of protections against female genital mutilation.”

Additionally, the attorney general must, “in consultation with the Congress, work to draft, propose, and promote legislation to enact a private right of action for children and the parents of children whose healthy body parts have been damaged by medical professionals practicing chemical and surgical mutilation, which should include a lengthy statute of limitations.”

Taken together, these two provisions don’t just make it easier for victims to sue doctors who perform these barbaric procedures. They also open the door for the federal government to investigate and even imprison doctors who mutilate the bodies of children.

As you might remember, around 20 years ago, the Left claimed to care about “female genital mutilation” in Africa, so they passed a law outlawing the practice in the United States. But now, under the guise of trans medicine, female genital mutilation is supposedly progressive, somehow. Now the Trump administration is threatening to use that criminal law to go after these gender doctors. And at the same time, the Trump administration is also cutting any kind of government-sponsored insurance that would cover these practices.

Having said all that, I need to make it clear that this executive order — as momentous as it is — does not, by itself, ban child sterilization and mutilation in this country. It makes it far more risky for doctors to perform these procedures. It suggests that the DOJ might be launching criminal investigations soon. And it makes it a lot harder for some of these hospitals and insurance companies to collect taxpayer money. But it’s not a direct ban, by itself. Outside of the many states that have banned this insanity, it remains legal — in places like California and Minnesota and so on. And on top of that, if Democrats retake the White House in four years, they can reverse all of this. Trump has done the absolute maximum of what a president can do on this issue. He can say, with absolute sincerity, that he has done everything he can to put an end to this insanity. But he’s going to need help to finish the job.

Therefore, what’s needed now, as I’ve said many times before, is a law banning these procedures at the federal level. This is clearly an ideal moment to advance a national ban like that, because gender ideology is now less popular than it has ever been. Trans activists have been utterly humiliated and rejected on the national stage. They haven’t even really mustered any kind of outrage about Trump’s previous executive orders dismantling their ideology. So it stands to reason that they would be powerless as Congress passes the killshot, which is a complete and total ban on chemical and physical mutilation in the name of gender ideology.

As the executive order itself states, “Across the country today, medical professionals are maiming and sterilizing a growing number of impressionable children under the radical and false claim that adults can change a child’s sex through a series of irreversible medical interventions. This dangerous trend will be a stain on our Nation’s history, and it must end.”

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Just a year ago, as a man pretending to be a woman led our nation’s federal health agency, it was easy to doubt that this moment would ever come. I have said for years that child “gender transitions” will eventually be a thing of the past, and that nobody will want to admit that they ever supported it or tolerated it. Now that time is almost here. The barbarism of child gender butchery is on its very last legs. Very soon, you won’t be able to find a single person in the country who admits to ever having supported it. For the sake of millions of confused and vulnerable people all over the country, and in particular for the sake of children, we have no choice but to finish the job.

One other thing about this. The child butchery business is collapsing. Soon it will be gone. It will be ash. And history will look back on it with horror and shame and confusion. But I want to be clear about something. If you are a doctor or medical professional or therapist or psychiatrist who pushed this insanity on children, if you participated in and profited from the psychological and physical abuse of children, this isn’t over for you. You don’t get to just move on. Those of us who have been fighting you for years will not let you just walk away Scott free. We will not rest until you are punished for what you’ve done. You deserve a military tribunal and the sentence that is given to those who commit human rights atrocities. But that probably won’t happen, so instead we will settle with seeing that you are bankrupted, humiliated, shamed, ostracized, and forever alienated from civilized society. We will not forget you. We will remember your names. For as long as there are people in this country who must live forever with the damage you inflicted on them as children, then you also should have to live with the consequences. They can’t pretend that it never happened. And so neither should you. 

Hopefully you’ve noticed that the conservatives you’ve had to deal with in this fight are a different breed. We tore down your whole industry piece by piece. We did exactly what we said we would do. And so now when we say that we are going to make sure that you are held accountable for your crimes against humanity, you should know that we mean it, and we will do it. This isn’t over. I promise you that.

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