When their two-year-old boy who liked dresses and dancing supposedly told his parents he identified as a girl, Jeanette and Greg Jennings decided their child, Jared Jennings, was not going through a “phase,” but was actually a girl.
So they raised their child as such. As Jeanette put it, her child would avoid “depression” and “suffering.”
But what has happened since then?
The Media Cultivation
Americans first got a glimpse of Jazz in 2007, when ABC’s 20/20 ran a special on gender transitions in children.
“We’ll say things like, God made you special, because there aren’t very many girls out there that have a penis,” Jeanette told Barbara Walters. Jazz was just six years old at the time, had already had a transgender “coming out party,” and was living as a girl at home and at school.
“A phase is called a phase because it is just that: it ends, and this is not ending,” the mother emphasized. “This is just getting stronger.”
Walters painted Jeanette and Greg as “courageous and loving parents” who were absolutely saving their child “from a future of heartache and pain.”
Jeanette, with her husband by her side holding her hand, told Walters Jazz as a “baby came out and basically said, this is who I am. I’m a girl.”
When Jazz was just two years old, things started to change for the family.
“Mommy when’s the good fairy gonna come with her magic wand and change, ya know, my genitalia?” Jeanette recalled Jazz supposedly telling her at just two years old, explaining that Jazz wanted to “take off my penis” and “make it into a vagina.”
This was the turning point for Jeanette.
By age three, Jazz was fully living as a girl at home. At 4 1/2, Jazz was a girl inside the home and outside of the home. For Jazz’s fifth birthday party, the family swapped out a kid’s theme for a transgender coming-out party.
Jeanette assured a completely sympathetic Walters that she was transitioning her child to save Jazz from being “depressed” and “suffering,” adding a prophetic, “What child should have to suffer?”
The family wasn’t done sharing Jazz’s story though. And neither was the media. The child’s YouTube show turned into a long-running reality TV show on TLC called “I am Jazz,” starting when Jazz was just 14 years old.
The show has provided the media with endless content to promote and normalize transgenderism in children. Jazz is a published author and a recipient of numerous awards, including the prestigious Colin Higgins Youth Courage Award at age 11.
But there was a dark side, too.
Jazz Can’t Feel Sexual Pleasure
The Jennings’ made sure Jazz’s puberty was blocked, which consequently stunted genital growth. Jazz, at age 18, disclosed an inability to experience sexual pleasure.
“Jazz as a medical case is really a conundrum because her puberty was blocked so well that she didn’t get growth of her genitals in a way that allows us as a surgeon to use a conventional approach,” surgeon Dr. Marci Bowers said when Jazz was 18-years-old.
For all of the world to see, Jazz spoke to Bowers about never experiencing an orgasm.
“The orgasm. The Big O,” Jazz said at the appointment. “There hasn’t been much change. My libido’s still basically nowhere.”
“Jazz does not know what an orgasm is and it’s very important when expressing intimacy,” Bowers said. “And although it is not something that’s going to delay surgery, it’s not going to be any easier for her to have an orgasm after surgery.”
Notably, in 2019, Jazz openly worried about ever enjoying sex because of “how ‘effed up my whole vagina is.”
Before the third surgery in 2020, Jazz wondered, “I mean, my biggest concern is, I still haven’t had an orgasm.”
“I’m a little less euphoric arriving to New York this time than I was for my original vaginoplasty,” Jazz said on his show. “Obviously the first time, it was a big surgery, and now we’re on the third surgery.”
Three Grueling, Risky ‘Corrective’ Surgeries
Jazz first underwent so-called “bottom surgery,” which changes the male patient’s penis to something that resembles a vagina, at just 17 years old, in 2018. There were complications, and Jazz needed a second surgery, which turned into a third surgery.
“She had a very incredible first surgery — it went seemingly very well, but there were problems,” Dr. Bowers conceded when Jazz was 19. “And that prompted a second surgery, which I was not a part of, unfortunately.”
“Taking Jazz on as a patient for surgery, we knew it was going to be a one-of-a-kind surgery,” Dr. Jess Ting added. “We don’t have the experience of having said we’ve done 50 of these. I was just not expecting her to have a complication as severe as what she did have.”
My vagina looked SO bad that my mom, sister, and the surgeons wouldn't even let me look at it. Eventually, I used a compact mirror to get a peak and all I could do was laugh. If only you guys knew… 😭😭 #IAmJazz @TLC
— Jazz Jennings (@JazzJennings__) February 6, 2019
“This has been a real journey, hasn’t it? We knew it would be tough — it turned out tougher than any of us imagined,” Bowers admitted. “I think in hindsight we would have never sent you home from the hospital. You know, easy to say now. When I wasn’t here when you had problems and had to go back, I can’t tell you how stressful that was.”
Jazz, in 2019, said, “my vagina falling apart was the hardest thing I ever had to experience.”
In life, everything is about attitude & perspective. Even though my vagina falling apart was the hardest thing I ever experienced, I knew that one day I would be fully healed & recovered. I had to adopt the mindset of my future self & know in my heart that everything would be ok.
— Jazz Jennings (@JazzJennings__) February 6, 2019
I'm glad that this rare complication happened to me rather than to another trans individual. With the love & support of my family, it makes it easier for me to conquer a challenge like this. I can't imagine how devasting it would be for someone without that support system.
— Jazz Jennings (@JazzJennings__) February 6, 2019
The Depression And Weight Gain
Jazz has been open about dealing with depression and an overeating disorder. As a result of struggling with serious mental health issues, in fact, the reality star had to defer going to Harvard University.
“Two years ago, I was on my way to [Harvard] one of the greatest institutions in the world, but I was actually struggling severely with mental health issues,” Jazz said on Season 7 of “I am Jazz,” which aired in 2021.
“I was actually struggling severely with mental health issues,” Jazz added. “I started binge-eating and I gained weight and more weight and more weight. And now, almost 100 pounds heavier, here I am today.”
In June of that year, Jazz, then about 234 pounds, posted side-by-side photos of the weight gain.
“As many of you have noticed, over the past few years, I have gained a substantial amount of weight,” Jazz wrote. “I suffer from binge-eating disorder, a disease in which I’m not only addicted to food, but I eat it in large quantities. My binging, along with an increased appetite I experience from some of the meds I’m on, has caused me to gain almost 100 pounds in a little less than 2 years. I’m posting this photo because it’s time for me to address my weight gain and hold myself accountable.”
“I do experience fat-shaming from my family,” Jazz said on the show. “It makes me feel really humiliated.”
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Jazz, though, maintains the struggles have nothing to do with anything related to gender, surgeries, or sexual issues.
“My other ‘issues’ have nothing to do with me being transgender,” Jazz insisted in 2018. “My depression & anxiety aren’t related to me being trans, nor is my binge-eating disorder. My struggles pertain to being HUMAN & I’m still learning to embrace my ‘flaws’ & accept who I am undeniably.”
My other “issues” have nothing to do with me being transgender. My depression & anxiety aren't related to me being trans, nor is my binge-eating disorder. My struggles pertain to being HUMAN & I'm still learning to embrace my “flaws” & accept who I am undeniably💖
— Jazz Jennings (@JazzJennings__) February 14, 2018
Jazz’s troubling story has not stopped the Left and their allies in the media from promoting gender transition and radical gender ideology for children. Recently, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki broke down in tears discussing the prospect of teachers being barred from teaching radical gender theory and other sexual topics to kids from kindergarten to third grade.
The views expressed in this piece are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.

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