We’ve heard it said ad nauseam by transgender advocates: There is no way bathrooms and locker rooms which are open to any gender you “indentify” as, regardless of biological gender, would ever result in the harassment of women and children, you bigot!
Well, they’re wrong, obviously, and here’s just the latest example of such victimization fostered by the nonsensical laws grounded in faux “equality” at the expense of others: A Virginia man was arrested for peeping on and filming two women and a 5-year-old child in a women’s restroom after receiving entry by dressing in drag.

Here’s Rodriguez captured on mall video surveillance dressed as a woman:

NBC Washington reports that “Richard Rodriguez, 30, filmed a woman in a bathroom stall at the Potomac Mills Mall, Prince William County Police said.” His victim was a 35-year-old woman who was in a bathroom stall when “she saw a bag moved toward her under the stall divider.” According to police, Rodriguez had been filming her.
Apparently, when the victim rushed out of the stall to confront the man, he had already moved to another woman to prey on, just one stall over. “The victim alerted the woman and then contacted mall security of the shopping center on 2700 block of Potomac Mills Circle in Woodbridge, Virginia,” notes NBC Washington.
Reports suspect that this was not Rodriguez’s first time peeping on women by dressing himself up as woman to enter a restroom; disturbingly, he likely spied on a 53-year-old woman in May of 2015 and a 35-year-old and her 5-year-old daughter back in October.
“Rodriguez, of Fredericksburg, was charged with three counts of unlawful filming of a non-consenting person and three counts of peeping,” reports NBC Washington.
But remember, you are the bigot if you oppose such measures which foster disgusting behavior like peeping on women and children. After all, women and children are mere collateral damage in the “equality” crusade, and that’s perfectly okay.