Former NFL quarterback Tim Tebow shared a story Friday at the annual March for Life about his mom giving birth to him after doctors told her she should have an abortion.
Tebow, the youngest of five children, said that back in 1986, God put in his father’s heart and mind the idea of having a fifth child, who would become a preacher. Although his mom was initially skeptical about having a fifth child, said Tebow, his mom eventually agreed with his dad, and the family prayed for another child.
But when his mother finally became pregnant, doctors believed that she had a tumor. “Then they realized that she was pregnant, and she did have a baby in her womb. But all the doctors said you need to have an abortion,” said Tebow.
Tebow said that his mother decided to “trust God,” even when the doctor told her that not having an abortion could kill her.
There were so many setbacks and heartaches, but the whole time she continued to trust God. Then it came time to give birth. The doctor, who had been doing it for over 35 years — and this was his specialty, helping women to give birth — and he helped deliver that baby. In over 35 years of doing it, he looked at her and said of all my years, this is the greatest miracle that I have ever seen because I have no idea how he survived: the placenta is not attached and there’s so many different issues, and I don’t know how he had the nourishment and the food to be able to survive. This is a miracle baby. Here is your baby, Mrs. Tebow. And that day, I got to meet my mom, and I’m so grateful that my mom gave me a chance at life, because many times could she have made the choice to do something different. But because of her pro-life story, I now get to share my story.
The March for Life has been held every year since 1974, and strives to “promote the beauty and dignity of every human life by working to end abortion.” March for Life organizers estimate that the event draws more than 100,000 participants every year.
Earlier this month, March for Life officials announced that the in-person rally and march would be canceled this year because of the COVID-19 pandemic and the large law enforcement presence in the nation’s capital. However, the organization vowed to hold virtual events in lieu of the in-person rally, including speeches and a performance.
“We are profoundly grateful for the countless women, men, and families who sacrifice to come out in such great numbers each year as a witness for life – and we look forward to being together in person next year. As for this year’s march, we look forward to being with you virtually,” said March for Life in a statement in early January.