

The Reason I Interviewed Andrew Tate


I flew to Bucharest, Romania, to interview Andrew Tate last week. There have been over 3 million views of our three-hour interview. That’s incredible, and the majority of responses have been positive, with people saying they really needed to hear this conversation. Some people, however, asked why I interviewed Andrew Tate, who is not a conservative nor a Christian. So why Tate?

That has to be the most ridiculous question ever asked. I don’t limit my interactions to only conservatives or only Christians. The job of conservative and Christian podcasters is not to host only people who agree with them. People who sit across from these interviewers obviously will not be the exact same person. If they were, no one would have a podcast. I’ve had plenty of people on my show with whom I have fundamental disagreements. I had the founder of Black Lives Matter New York join me, and we had many disagreements. The goal is — and should be — to discuss both different and similar ideas, to foster a conversation, especially with someone as interesting as Andrew Tate.

Far be it from me to suggest that conservatives in America have given a platform to Tate. He’s done that all on his own. And that’s fascinating. Tens of millions of young men around the world listen to Tate every single day. In fact, so many people listen to him that within 24 hours, we broke a viewer record: More than one million people watched in just a 24-hour span and the now-3 million-view number continues to climb. So, he’s a newsworthy person, and his platform is going to exist with or without conservatives in America speaking with him.

When I started my journey into conservatism, I had to begin somewhere — and it wasn’t with the people I listen to today. At that time, all I knew was that something was wrong with leftist principles, that perhaps leftist principles were holding black Americans back. That was my focus then, before I understood the problem was much bigger. Now I have some fundamental differences with the people I started out listening to, but the people I listen to today would have never brought me to the conservative side when I was first becoming curious.

Becoming a conservative was a process for me, so I understand that it is often a process for others. I do not come from a background of conservatism. My grandfather was a steadfast Christian, and he planted those seeds in me, which I think is why I have bloomed into the person I am today. But, I took quite a liberal route to conservatism — so much so, that I speak to people about the ills of liberalism from the position of someone who has lived that way. When I come from that perspective, I am better able to connect with them and it’s easier for them to identify with me. The reason I am a conservative today is definitely not because I was listening to squeaky clean conservatives who had a podcast. Those types of shows didn’t resonate with me — because that’s just not how that works. That is not how spiritual maturation works. It is a process.

WATCH: Candace Owens: THIS Is The Reason I Interviewed Andrew Tate

I think everybody vibrates at different frequencies throughout the seasons of their life. When I was younger, I listened to hip hop music with terrible language that had really dark themes. At that time of my life, I could relate to it. As I mentioned in my interview with Tate, I specifically connected with Jay-Z’s music because he came from nothing and went on to make something of himself. It was a frequency, if you will, that I could respond and relate to. I could think, “Ok, I can actually make something of myself.” People who do not come from privileged backgrounds like to have someone to look up to because it makes that process of “making something of yourself” more attainable. That’s the truth. As I have matured, I’ve stopped listening to that music. But that doesn’t mean I can’t relate to the people who still listen to that music. I don’t leave them behind while saying, “Oh well, I don’t understand how you listen to this!” Because I do very much understand how they listen to it. I understand for a lot of people, that can sound like the only hope they have in their life. Again, spiritual development is a process.

I have been given a platform that allows me to initiate that same process of maturation with other people. I can sound quite puritanical when I talk to young women, but I don’t speak to them with snobbery. I don’t look down my nose and say, “How could you follow this person? How could you listen to that person?” Our job should not be to judge the tens of millions of young men who listen to Tate. First, that won’t work. And second, you can’t hate someone out of existence. Our job is, instead, to understand why. The only way to do that is to ask meaningful questions. What is it these men are responding to? Why are people following him?

Because I acted as a journalist, asking questions I was curious about, I was able to understand. Over the last ten or so years, we have been existing under a rabid matriarchy where women think that we should be the ones to define what is and is not masculine and what a man should be, and if we shriek loud enough about it, men will tuck their tail between their legs and yield to our every order; that will allow our society to function. In actuality, it’s far from that. This toxic matriarchy we are existing in is actually a bit like hell on earth right now.

Men have been told they are nothing. Men are routinely having this narrative reinforced to them by mainstream media and culture. Women rap about how terrible men are, make a mockery of relationships, talk about feminism — a toxic brand of feminism — and make men feel terrible. Then Tate came along, stood up for men, and said men can work out, they can start a business, they can be strong. He told men they don’t need to listen to those kinds of messages from those kinds of women. And the men responded.

To those who think they can tell me who I can sit down with and speak to, I laugh. I am the same woman who said I would like to sit down with Vladimir Putin. I stand by that statement. I would still like to sit down with him because I’m curious and I don’t accept mainstream media. It would do us all good to remember the media gives us the narrative they want us to believe. I would sit down with a lot of people if they were alive today, including the horrible and the backwards. I’m a curious person, and I will remain curious.

I’m proud of the sit down I had with Andrew Tate. And there will be more to come.


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