The past few weeks have put on display the bigotry of the Left. Far from merely being “intolerant,” the Left has shown in two recent glaring examples that it does not truly care about black people, or trans people, or any other identity group they claim to represent or champion. The Left only really cares about the Left and maintaining Democrat Party control. They only care about people so long as they adhere to Leftist dogma. Step outside that ideology, and the Left reverts to any slur it can to dehumanize the person.
Two incidents from the past week illustrate this point perfectly. First, at the end of April, Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) delivered the Republican response to President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address. After Scott’s rebuttal, “Uncle Tim” began trending on Twitter due to the number of leftists calling him that or “Uncle Tom,” a derogatory term for someone allegedly betraying their race. Scott said he gets called that simply because he is a black Republican, and Leftists, like Biden, insist that if you don’t vote for them “then you ain’t black.”
Not only did Scott get called an “Uncle Tom” for daring to believe in Republican principles, he said he also gets called the “n-word – by ‘progressives.’ By liberals.” As The Daily Wire reported, progressives fell all over themselves to take a shot at Scott over his claim that America is not a racist country while saying he has been called racist names. If progressives want to insist the country is racist because he’s been called those names, then they need look in the mirror for the source of that racism.
The second example came when Caitlyn Jenner announced a run for California governor to take on Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA), who is currently facing a recall over his handling of the coronavirus pandemic. As soon as Jenner announced, Democrats began calling the former Olympian “a hateful person” and claiming Jenner was a traitor to transgender individuals. As The Federalist reported, transgender activist Charlotte Clymer called Jenner “the Phyllis Schlafly of the trans community,” which is meant to imply Jenner is a traitor, because feminists see Schlafly as a traitor to women for not adhering to progressive ideology.
Jemele Hill likewise tried to insult Jenner, calling the candidate “the Candace Owens of the trans community.” As with Sen. Scott, The Daily Wire’s Candace Owens constantly receives racist hate from progressives who insist she’s a traitor to her race for thinking differently.
Plastic Martyr, a transgender model, called Jenner a “self loathing, vapid fame-whore that abuses her privilege & platform …’”
Meanwhile, Leftist late night hosts resorted to decades-old transgender jokes about Jenner, with Jimmy Kimmel telling Arnold Schwarzenegger: “I think the thing Caitlyn knows for sure is the changes she wants to make — because she made some real big changes.”
Jenner is Republican and doesn’t think biological men should be able to compete in women’s sports just because they say they’re a woman. For that, the so-called party of science insists that this particular trans person deserves to be treated with bigotry and scorn.
The views expressed in this piece are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.