On Sunday, President Joe Biden attended Sunday Mass at Holy Trinity, a Roman Catholic Church in Washington, D.C. that he’s attended since his days as Vice President.
Soon after, social media and legacy media outlets alike were awash with praise for the “devout” faith being put on display by the new president. The New York Times called him, “perhaps the most religiously observant commander in chief in half a century,” celebrating that a “more liberal christianity grounds his life and his policies.”
CNN ran a near celebratory headline, announcing to the world that “Biden’s Catholic faith will be on full display as the first publicly churchgoing president in decades.”
NBC News touted “Biden’s faith on display,” celebrating this “renewed presidential ritual,” while the New Yorker praised his “practice of carrying a rosary,” as indicative of a “public servant’s deep faith.”
Rather than questioning how President Biden’s Catholic faith aligns with his indisputably anti-Catholic positions on issues like abortion, the message from the media was clear: his faith is a humanizing badge of honor, his regular church attendance a sign of consistency worth emulating.
If you’re surprised by this sort of coverage, it’s easy to see why.
Just three months ago, the same media praising Biden for his “devout” faith was working feverishly to convince anyone who would listen that Amy Coney Barrett’s strict adherence to Catholic teachings made her a “radical.”
Far from making her a more qualified public servant, Coney Barrett’s Catholic views were an indictment of her capabilities, weaponized by the same media now worshiping Biden’s worshiping.
Coney Barrett’s statement that her “legal career is but a means to an end … and that end is building the kingdom of God,” was held up by the New York Times as an example of her radicalism, with pundits and commentators alike questioning whether a public servant ought to allow their decision-making to be influenced by religion.
Such questions were absent from the headlines in coverage of President Biden’s faith. NPR, for example, ran a story titled “How Joe Biden’s Faith Shapes His Politics.” Far from calling him a radical, NPR alluded to the fact that “his speeches are woven with references to God, biblical language or the Pope,” as a positive.
“People who know him well say his Catholic faith is central to how he sees the world,” they noted.
If you aren’t fluent in the language of the Left, what they’re saying is this: it’s commendable that Joe Biden’s political career is swayed by his faith. It’s detestable for Amy Coney Barrett.
No one made this more clear than Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) during Justice Barrett’s confirmation hearing for her appointment to the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals in 2017. “Why is it that so many of us on this side have this very uncomfortable feeling that dogma and law are two different things?” she asked.
“The conclusion one draws is that the dogma lives loudly within you,” Feinstein concluded.
On that note, Joe Biden’s own Vice President, Kamala Harris, once questioned whether a devout Catholic could serve in government, let alone as Commander in Chief.
In 2018, during a confirmation hearing for judicial nominee Brian Buescher, then Senator Harris questioned how Buescher, a devout Catholic, could judge fairly given his association with the Knights of Columbus, a Roman Catholic service organization.
“Were you aware that the Knights of Columbus opposed a woman’s right to choose when you joined the organization?” she asked.
Oddly enough, Harris’ apparent belief that those who associate with a pro-life organization are unable to serve in government didn’t impact her decision to partner with President Biden, a member of the Roman Catholic Church — a pro-life organization.
After Joe Biden’s first Sunday in office, the message of the Left and the legacy media as a whole is clear: devout faith in a leader is to be celebrated, as long as that leader is with us.
Related: Why Democrats Hate Real Catholics
Cabot Phillips is Managing Editor of The Daily Wire’s Readers Pass. Follow him on Twitter at @cabot_phillips
The views expressed in this piece are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.

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