The Left is a death cult. And not surprisingly, it’s killing people.
My husband would always say this in the early stages of our relationship. At first, I thought he was being hyperbolic or exaggerating. Then as we talked about it at a deeper level, and I considered more thoughtfully the issues in which the Left engages, I found what he said to not only be true, but not in any way exaggerated.
In everything that the Left pushes—they celebrate, advertise, and encourage death.
Take our ‘nice’ neighbors in Canada, who increasingly foreshadow where progressives in America are heading. One of the leading causes of death in Canada is euthanasia.
The Left originally pitched, as they always do, euthanasia as ‘compassionate’ legislation. They didn’t want people to die in pain if they didn’t have to, e.g. someone dying from cancer.
But this is not where euthanasia has stopped. We see for example, Switzerland, where you can kill yourself irrespective of what you’re going through. I spoke about this in March, when two perfectly healthy sisters from Arizona traveled to Switzerland to commit suicide.
It’s not long before this debate rages in the United States. And the Left will predictably advocate and legislate euthanasia.
Consider another example: climate change. What’s the focus for climate change advocates? That we are all going to die in ten years. Adults and children alike are being taught that they will die unless they avoid having families, unless they get rid of their gas car, and unless they eat bugs. These beliefs are not only scientifically debatable; they are terribly hopeless things to be teaching a generation. But this is the world of death the Left creates.
There’s abortion too — the Left’s most sacred belief. What’s more death cult than the actual killing of babies on the altar of ego and career?
Leftist politicians, like Stacey Abrams, justify abortion up until nine months in the womb because of ‘compassion.’ Chrissy Teigen, model turned celebrity mother, recently rebranded her miscarriage from two years ago as an ‘abortion,’ so that she could champion the “compassionate” cause of abortion rights.
In truth, if this ‘compassion,’ were not so effective in its goals, the black population would be double what it is today. Leftists, the supposed celebrants of black lives and culture, choose to forget this and abortion’s racist history. As I’ve asserted many times before, the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, was an avowed eugenicist and racist, who spoke in front of the Ku Klux Klan and worried about ‘lower stock’ breeding.
If the Left can’t kill our babies, then they’ll try their best to push a radical transgender agenda and corrupt their bodies instead. My colleague Matt Walsh covered this extensively in his documentary, “What is a Woman?”
The Left considers it an act of aggression to say that children should not be taking puberty blockers which will affect them for the rest of their lives, and potentially render their sexual functions moot. They say that—there’s a pattern here — out of ‘compassion,’ they prescribe Lupron to children, a drug that is used to medically castrate sex offenders. They do this to make these children ‘happy.’
Wrong — these children, who’ve been coerced into radical gender theory and had their bodies mutilated, will face mental health issues. And mark my words — these transitions will cut their lives shorter as well, either from health complications or suicide.
Think all of this is enough for them? No — of course not. The Left loves encouraging individuals to harm themselves in every way possible.
Which brings us to our final point of discussion — the body positivity movement, a beloved talking point for the Left. Who doesn’t want to feel positive about their body? Easy enough for all of us to agree with, right?
Then you find that the Left celebrates morbidly obese individuals. Then you find Cosmopolitan featuring obese women on their front page, and calling them ‘healthy.’ Then you find Lizzo, a pop singer, celebrating her obesity while accepting an Emmy award, to the applause of the death cult mob in attendance.
How sad is it that someone as talented as Lizzo, when talking to a room full of fans and celebrities that supposedly love her, is applauded when celebrating a way of living that will eventually kill her?
We talked earlier about a leading cause of death in Canada. The leading cause of death in the United States is obesity. Heart disease — often linked to obesity — is the number one killer of individuals in the United States.
Don’t be fooled by the Left’s ‘compassion.’ As they encourage you to kill yourself mentally and physically, and to live unhealthy and unfulfilled lives, they will continue to use flowery language about their mission and goal.
It’s not compassion. It’s death. Reject the death cult, stand on the side of life.

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