

The Illuminati, Pizzagate, Schwab, And Soros: Are The Rumors About Me True?


Throughout my career, it’s become increasingly difficult to follow all the various things I get accused of being. Depending on what hour of the day it is, I may either be in the Illuminati or a Satanist. I’ve been accused of being tied to George Soros, in cahoots with Klaus Schwab, and connected to the World Economic Forum. I can’t even keep up with it all myself. There are people in this world — people even on the conservative side — who believe this nonsense. The problem with this is far bigger than there being false rumors circulating about me. The real problem is, people’s minds have been so bent, they distrust everything and everyone, and this mentality is hurting our cause.

For the record, I do not like George Soros. I believe he is an incredibly evil man. I have dedicated hours to trying to expose the ways in which he is using his money to corrupt the West. I believe he has an allegiance to the East, and I have questions about his childhood. His media arm has done numerous hit pieces on me from the very first time I appeared on the scene and they continue to do so, attempting to get me cancelled. Despite all these efforts, some people still believe I am somehow tied to George Soros. I was tagged in a picture with one of my best friends whose last name is Schwab, and I was immediately connected to Klaus Schwab — because, obviously, every person on the planet who has the last name Schwab must be related to Klaus Schwab. And because I was connected to Klaus Schwab, I was also related to the World Economic Forum and then also connected to George Soros.

Being accused of having a connection to Soros via the World Economic Forum via Schwab via my friend is not the first weird allegation that’s been made about me. Once, when I was filming my show with a studio audience, I paused in thought, looking to my left and folding my hands.

I often look to the side when I’m thinking, and I’m very Talladega Nights, in the sense that I don’t know what to do with my hands. (But that, of course, would be too reasonable of a reason for that pose.) Someone grabbed a screenshot, and this image has been shared all over. According to this Tweet, what it actually means is that I’m a freemason deceiver shill, etc.

Clearly, I’m not vaccinated. I am very passionately against vaccines. I have an entire series dedicated to showing people vaccines have always been a scam for children. So getting pizza without a vaccine? Challenge accepted. We got someone to get us a whole pizza, and I took a picture to brag about managing to pull that off. Then suddenly the comments on Instagram had me somehow tied in with Pizzagate and the Clintons and then George Soros. Me. Candace Owens. I couldn’t even eat a slice of pizza trying to be funny to show how I skirted the law in New York City without people associating me with children being abused.

What is happening now is that people who are on our side are no longer able to even see straight. And I understand the distrust. We have been lied to over and over again. There are huge questions that have not been answered. But when people are only promoting the worst evils for every single person, that is not helping our cause. It’s hurting it. As an example, I do not support Ron DeSantis being the next president of the United States. I think he is a great governor, but I also think he’s fake and has too much donor money. But what I say about him has nothing to do with whether I like him or not. Yet now, people seem to think if they don’t like someone, they’re being fraudulent so they need to smear them.

Vivek Ramaswamy is facing this right now because, years ago, a scholarship he was awarded to go to law school came from Soros. But context matters — if you care about the truth — and he has explained this in great detail. I applied for every single scholarship I could get my hands on. When my guidance counselor said scholarships would reduce costs, I applied, I wrote essays, and I had no idea where the scholarship money was coming from. My family couldn’t afford to put me through college, and I was trying to get money any way I could. Wise students try to get as much money as possible. It doesn’t make them fundamentally dishonest human beings who don’t deserve to be in the discourse of politics, as some have labeled Ramaswamy.

You don’t have to like Ramaswamy, Trump, DeSantis, or even me. But we all need to be meaningful and sincere in our critiques. Can we at least be honest? Can we be real? If I get attacked, people should at least know that a girl who came from absolutely nothing wouldn’t be in the Illuminati because the truth is, she just doesn’t know what to do with her hands when she’s thinking. People have moved from the red pill to the black pill and are no longer able to process reality whatsoever. They believe that everything and everyone is corrupt. Everything is a conspiracy theory. But we must be realistic.

The Left watches the media and believes it to be reality and can’t think on their own. In the same way we say the Left is demented because they believe absolutely everything, we have a small segment on the Right that is becoming equally as demented because they believe absolutely nothing. It’s opposite sides of the same coin.

The black pill is becoming dangerous. And we need to get real. Otherwise, we are just hurting our movement, our cause, and ourselves.


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