On Wednesday, CNN anchor Chris Cuomo’s wife Cristina published a wellness blog on Purist titled, “The Cuomos’ Corona Protocol, Week 3.”
With the consult of a doctor, the blog suggests warm water and Clorox bleach baths and using a so-called “body charger” are helpful in combating the China-originated novel coronavirus, COVID-19.
Both Chris and Cristina have said they tested positive for the virus.
“The point of sharing my story is to help people become aware of the various options that are available beyond the overstrained medical system and to give a voice to the scientific advances that could have real impact on our collective health,” Cristina wrote near the beginning of the lengthy blog post. “Sharing new knowledge is not elitist, it’s revolutionary.”
Cristina added the disclaimer, “Note that none of these natural remedies below should be taken without consulting a doctor or naturopath,” while also saying the remedies are not “up for debate.”
“I enlisted Dr. Linda Lancaster, who put us on a path of natural remedies to build our immune systems—and it’s working for us,” she wrote. “I am sharing this, but this isn’t a debate. If you think these are far-fetched treatments, think again.”
Here’s Cristina’s suggestion on adding Clorox bleach to your bathwater (emphasis added):
At the direction of my doctor, Dr. Linda Lancaster, who reminded me that this is an oxygen-depleting virus, she suggested I take a bath and add a nominal amount of bleach. Why? To combat the radiation and metals in my system and oxygenate it. “We want to neutralize heavy metals because they slow up the electromagnetic frequency of our cells, which is our energy field, and we need a good flow of energy. Clorox is sodium chloride—which is technically salt. Clorox is made by introducing an electric current to water and sodium chloride (saline) creating sodium hypochlorite. There is no danger in doing this. It is a simple naturopathic treatment that has been used for over 75 years to oxygenate the cells,” says Dr. Lancaster. “Household bleach is not chlorine.” I found information on this in Dr. Lancaster’s Harmonic Healing book and the chapter on heavy metals, as well as in some articles like these showing that it used in the medical world: Elimination of metals and in The Mayo Clinic treatment to aid in chronic bacterial infections. Since I had no sense of smell and no open cuts that it might sting, I opted to do it. So, I add a small amount—1/4 to ½ cup ONLY—of Clorox to a full bath of warm water (80 gallons). “We are all exposed to radiation (phone/Wi-Fi) and that agitates our cells,” says Lancaster, who also recommended a sea salt (1 pound) and baking soda (1 full box) bath to help with this too. “We have never recommended the baths as any type of cure. We utilize this bath to aid the body in the detox process of chemicals and environmental pollutants,” says Lancaster.
And on using a so-called “body charger” to send “electrical frequencies through my body to oxygenate my blood and stimulate the healthy production of blood cells to fortify my immune system”:
I used a machine—a “Body Charger,” which energy specialist Randy Oppitz suggested I borrow from a friend. It sent electrical frequencies through my body to oxygenate my blood and stimulate the healthy production of blood cells to fortify my immune system. It also rebalanced my energy, which was gravely off from the stress of caregiving, catching the virus, figuring out what works for me, and the anxiety of my kids getting it. “The key to healing the human body is directly related to the body’s ability to allow energy to flow through it. I discovered in my 40-year career as a personal energy specialist that every person I ever worked with has blocked energies. The Body Charger is a device that transfers energy, breaks up, and pulls out the low frequency while replacing with a higher rate,” says Oppitz, who works with cancer patients and people suffering from chronic disease.
Last month, the media blamed President Donald Trump for the death of a man who drank fish tank cleaner, saying the president was responsible because he suggested an FDA-approved anti-malaria drug might be effective as an off-label therapeutic against the novel coronavirus.
Moreover, as noted by The Daily Wire on Thursday, media activists “falsely claimed that Trump ‘urged Americans to inject themselves with disinfectant’ and ‘told people to drink bleach'” during a White House coronavirus task force briefing for discussing a government study on heat and humidity being detrimental to the virus.
Related: FACT CHECK: No, Trump Did Not Tell People To ‘Inject Themselves With Disinfectant’ Or ‘Drink Bleach’
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