On November 16, two CNN reporters wrote about a student protest at Syracuse University over a series of alleged racist incidents on campus.
Competent readers will note that every instance of alleged racism on college campuses has turned out to be a hoax, yet media outlets still jump at every accusation. The latest allegation claims that a swastika was found painted on a wall, an unknown student was shouting racial epithets, more racist graffiti was found, and a racist manifesto was sent to several students’ cellphones.
Syracuse University is, of course, a liberal college campus located in one of the most liberal states in America, yet its students maintain it is a hotbed of racism. Students naturally took the allegations as fact and started protesting the university and demanding Chancellor Kent Syverud resign.
But just a few days after CNN and other media outlets spread news of the alleged racism at Syracuse, the manifesto story was debunked. CBS News reported last week that Syverud told the University Senate that authorities couldn’t find anyone who had received the manifesto, which was apparently a copy of the one written by the man who allegedly killed 51 people at two mosques in New Zealand earlier this year.
“It was apparent that this rumor was probably a hoax,” Syverud said, “but that reality was not communicated clearly and rapidly enough to get ahead of escalating anxiety.”
The university, according to Syverud, couldn’t respond appropriately to the manifesto claims due to the late hour of the allegations. The claim was that someone attempted to AirDrop the manifesto onto several students’ cell phones using the library wi-fi range. The next day, local, city, campus, state, and federal authorities held a news conference about the allegations.
The day after the press conference, students marched to Syverud’s house and demanded he resign if he didn’t give in to all their demands, which included an additional $1 million spent on diversity and combating racism.
The other incidents have not been debunked, as the manifesto has, but in the past, racist and derogatory graffiti has typically been painted by students wanting to “start a dialogue” for the alleged issue they had to fabricate. Racist graffiti is usually painted by African-American students, or College Democrats attempting to frame America and white people as racist. Threats to members of the LGBT community are usually sent by the person claiming victimhood.
At Syracuse, social activities at all fraternities were suspended after an African-American student said she was “subjected to a verbal racial epithet from a group of students and visitors.” An investigation is still ongoing into all allegations of racist behavior on campus.
Despite the near constant hate crime hoaxes on college campuses, media outlets continue to report that American college students are some of the most racist and bigoted people in the country. The New York Times recently published a lengthy, dramatic article titled “Racial Slurs, and the 15 Days That Shook Syracuse,” with only a brief mention of the manifesto with the claim that it simply had not been confirmed to have happened.