New scientific data debunks the hyperventilating journalists suggesting the latest hurricanes to hit the United States, Harvey and Irma, were the cause of man-made Climate Change.
As explained by environmental analyst Nicholas Loris — who cites findings and analysis from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration and the National Hurricane Center — “Man-made warming did not cause Harvey and Irma.”
“As carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions have increased, there have been no trends in global tropical cycle landfalls,” states Loris. “Before Harvey and Irma, with a little bit of luck, the United States was in a 12-year hurricane drought. More importantly, the average number of hurricanes per decade reaching landfall in the U.S. has fallen over the past 160 years.”
Loris, a Herbert and Joyce Morgan fellow, goes on to reiterate that his analysis is rooted in “mainstream science.”
“This comes not via ‘denier data,’ but from mainstream science,” he writes. “The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reported in its most recent scientific assessment that ‘(n)o robust trends in annual numbers of tropical storms, hurricanes, and major hurricanes … have been identified over the past 100 years in the North Atlantic basin,’ and that there are ‘no significant observed trends in global tropical cyclone frequency.'”
Further, as noted by the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration, “It is premature to conclude that human activities — and particularly greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming — have already had a detectable impact on Atlantic hurricane or global tropical cyclone activity.”
Loris also debunks the notion that hurricanes are being so-called “supercharged” by man-made Climate Change, citing the former director of the National Hurricane Center, Bill Read.
“This is not an uncommon occurrence to see storms grow and intensify rapidly in the western Gulf of Mexico. That’s as long as we’ve been tracking them that has occurred,” Read told CNN when asked about the allegedly “supercharged” storms.
In closing, Loris says our focus must be on helping our brothers and sisters in Texas and Florida, not “political opportunism.”
“Policymakers should focus on improving natural disaster response, resilience and preparedness. Blaming man-made climate change on Harvey and Irma is truly denying the data,” he said.
H/T The Blaze