On Tuesday, author and ardent leftist Stephen King took to Twitter to unleash venom on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, and in the process revealed one of the main reasons why the Left has such hatred for the man — and it’s certainly not because of these vague, unsubstantiated, and uncorroborated accusations enabled by shoddy reporting, either.
“If ‘white male entitlement’ was in the dictionary, it could be illustrated by Brett Kavanaugh’s photograph. The thought of this closed mind on the Supreme Court for the rest of my life sickens me,” wrote King in a tweet.
And there you have it: Kavanaugh is loathed because he is a successful white male, unable to claim any victimhood credit. The judge belonged to a frat, he played football, he’s religious, he claims he was a virgin until well after high school, he was popular and had lots of friends, graduated at the top of his class and has achieved real success.
How can the Left not hate this cis white male all-American conservative?
King followed it up with more nonsense: “While in college, Brett Kavanaugh was a heavy drinker and an enthusiastic party-boy. Those behaviors change with age, but the attitudes and assumptions which drove the behaviors rarely do,” he wrote.
Ah, yes, a “party-boy.” Kavanaugh was too fratty. Remember when the Left mocked Kavanaugh’s “frat boy” first name? This is all in the same vein.
And of course it goes much deeper than that. As The Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh pointed out earlier on Tuesday, this is also largely about abortion, which too is entangled in Kavanaugh’s conservatism:
You see, Kavanaugh, due to his skin and gender, is somehow undeserving of his success. (King is in the clear because he hates himself — a yucky white, successful, rich male — and superficially panders to the Left when he should.) So taking away this deserved Supreme Court seat from the judge is justified. It’s “social justice,” actually, for all the wrongs white men have done in the past.
And what’s not fair about doling out punishment for others’ past sins onto an innocent “entitled” “white male”?