Snow fell in Jerusalem this Thursday as winter storm Elpis swept across the region. Elpis reached Israel Wednesday morning with heavy rains in northern Israel and along the coast, as snow fell all day on Mount Hermon and the northern Golan Heights. The storm gradually migrated south in the afternoon to central Israel. Jerusalem received between 3 and 6 inches of snow overnight.
Jerusalem Mayor Moshe Lion canceled school for all students on Thursday. Most residents of the city made the most of this rare snow day to play in the snow. However, there were those who took advantage of the snow for more nefarious purposes.
✡️❄️ — WATCH: Snowing at the Western Wall in Jerusalem now.
— Belaaz News (@TheBelaaz) January 26, 2022
✡️❄️ — VIDEO: The Western Wall covered in snow Thursday morning.
— Belaaz News (@TheBelaaz) January 27, 2022
🇮🇱❄️ — PHOTO: Israeli President Yitzchok Herzog having a good time in the snow this morning at the President’s residence in Jerusalem.
— Belaaz News (@TheBelaaz) January 27, 2022
Times of Israel reported that police were attacked Wednesday evening by Arab rioters in East Jerusalem. Police said that rioters threw ice, rocks, and debris at officers, lightly wounding one policewoman. 22 were arrested.
ניידת משטרה נרגמה באבנים וחפצים בידי מתפרעים בשכונת א-טור במזרח ירושלים@SuleimanMas1
— כאן חדשות (@kann_news) January 26, 2022
Cars were attacked by a large group of Arabs throwing snow-covered stones at the Armon Hanatziv Promenade in Jerusalem. Gila Kadosh, whose car was attacked, told Arutz 7 News, “We felt very threatened and my husband suggested we drive back home, but when we started driving they threw stones at us from all directions, smashed the windshield, broke the front mirrors and a large stone shattered the rear window. Where were the police? How is it possible for this to happen in the heart of Jerusalem without a police response?”
ערבים תקפו ניידת משטרה סמוך לכניסה לאוניברסיטה העברית בהר הצופים, כשבתוכה שוטר. חשוד אחד נעצר@SuleimanMas1 @VeredPelman
— כאן חדשות (@kann_news) January 27, 2022
תגובות במייל בלבד.
— ידידיה אפשטיין (@yedidya_epstien) January 27, 2022
Arutz 7 News reported that similar attacks were committed against Jews who entered the Old City of Jerusalem through the Damascus Gate. The attackers threw snowballs at them, pulled off their hats, and shouted insults and curses at them.
Jewish visitors to the Temple Mount, many of who ascended today to commemorate the memory and 80th anniversary of the assassination of Commander and Founder of the Freedom Fighters of Israel (Lehi), Avraham Stern, were pelted with snowballs by groups of Arab youths. Police, whose job it is to protect the Jewish pilgrims on the Temple Mount, reportedly did nothing to stop this. The Temple Mount is Judaism’s holiest site.
לפני זמן קצר בהר הבית ערבים זורקים אבנים וכדורי שלג על יהודים לא ראיתי שום גינוי של עמר בר לב.
— ידידיה אפשטיין (@yedidya_epstien) January 27, 2022
זריקת כדורי שלג ואבנים לעבר יהודים שנכנסו בדקות אלה להר הבית.
— Tom Nisani (@NisaniTom) January 27, 2022
An eyewitness and regular visitor to the Temple Mount said that the Arab youths were yelling “Allah hu Akbar” while throwing snowballs at the group, yet the police did not react. Later, the witness was again attacked by Arab youths throwing snowballs with rocks hidden in them while leaving the old city. He sustained a minor head injury. One rioter was detained by the Israeli Police.
Further taking advantage of the lack of police response, Arabs on the Temple Mount built a snowman in the shape of an M-75 rocket, a Hamas-produced rocket with a range of up to 75 kilometers, which encompasses the Temple Mount itself. The terrorist organization’s flag was wrapped around the snowman by Arabs. This was in addition to other snowmen adorned with Hamas flags.
أحد المجسمات التي صنعها الشبان بالثلوج في الاقصى
— القسطل الإخباري (@AlQastalps) January 27, 2022
رجل الثلج الفلسطيني في باحات المسجد الأقصى هذا الصباح#ثلوج_القدس
— القسطل الإخباري (@AlQastalps) January 27, 2022
Tom Nisani, Director of Beyadenu, an organization that advocates for Jewish freedoms on the Temple Mount, stated, “Throughout the day, we saw riots by Arabs, who are utilizing the snowy conditions to challenge the police by throwing snowballs and rocks at police officers and at Jewish worshipers on the Temple Mount. The Police need to ensure that the snow does not provide coverage for riots against the Jewish worshipers on the Temple Mount.”