
Slidin’ Biden: Two Polls Show Biden’s Approval Collapsing Into The Mid-30s
U.S. President Joe Biden listens as U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris gives remarks at an executive order signing event for police reform in the East Room of the White House on May 25, 2022 in Washington, DC.
Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

President Joe Biden’s approval ratings continue to collapse, as two polls this week show that the president’s approval rating is now in the mid 30s.

A Reuters-Ipsos poll of more than 1,000 adults, conducted this week, found that Biden’s approval rating sunk to just 36%, the lowest approval rating of his presidency, while 59% disapproved. The poll also found that nearly every demographic group disapproved of how Biden was handling his job as president. In addition, the poll also found that the economy is still the most pressing issue Americans are concerned about.

Breaking the poll down by party, Democrats were much more likely to favor Biden than Republicans, but his approval rating continued to trend down even among his own party. Biden’s approval rating among Democrats stood at 72%, but that was a decline from his 76% approval from a week ago, Reuters reported. Just 10% of Republicans approved, while 90% disapproved. Other demographic groups were not nearly as kind to Biden. Breaking down the poll by race, Biden is now underwater with both white and non-white voters: just 32% of white voters approve of Biden, while 64% disapprove; 45% of non-white voters approve of Biden, while 51% disapprove.

By education, fully 60% of respondents without a college degree disapprove of Biden; just 34% approve. Even among college-educated voters, Biden is still deep underwater: 59% of respondents disapproved, compared to just 38% who approved. Breaking down by gender, among men, Biden’s approval sat at just 39%, while 59% disapproved; among women, Biden’s approval was 34%, while 60% disapproved. By age, Biden’s approval was just 40%, while 55% disapproved among 18-39 year-olds; among those 40 and older, his approval was just 34%, with 62% disapproving.

Biden was also underwater with every geographic region except one. His approval remained high in the Northeast: 56% approved, while 40% disapproved. But he was underwater in the Midwest, with 33% approval and 63% disapproval; in the South, with just 30% approval and 65% disapproval; and in the West, with a 36%-62% approval rating. Biden’s only other bright spot was among Americans in urban areas, who favored him 53%-43%; suburban voters disapproved of him 33%-64%; and rural voters disapproved of him 26%-67%.

At the same time as the Reuters survey, a poll of more than 2,500 likely voters from Big Data Poll’s monthly “Public Polling Project” found that Biden’s approval rating sits at just 37%, while 60% disapproved. Biden’s approval was also deep underwater on individual issues. Just 35% approved of Biden’s handling of the issue of the “Economy and Jobs,” while 62% disapproved; just 33% approved of Biden on “Immigration/Border Security,” with 61% disapproval; 36% approved of his handling of “Foreign Policy”; 33% approved of him on crime, with 60% disapproval; and just 33% approved of his handling of “U.S.-China Relations,” while 57% disapproved. Biden’s approval was slightly better on the “Coronavirus Pandemic”: 44% approved, while 53% disapproved.

Outside of Biden’s approval, the Public Polling Project found that fully 7 in 10 voters said the country was headed in the wrong direction: 70% of voters said the country was going off on the “wrong track,” while just 23% said the country was headed in the “right direction.” The poll also found that Republicans have a Congressional generic ballot advantage of nearly 10 points in the 2022 midterms: about 47% of likely voters favored the generic Republican candidate in the general elections, while about 37% favored the generic Democrat.

The two polls are the latest to show Biden’s approval under 40%, following other recent polls by the Associated Press-NORC (39%), IBD/TIPP (39%), Monmouth University (38%), Civiqs (34%), and Quinnipiac (35%).

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The Daily Wire   >  Read   >  Slidin’ Biden: Two Polls Show Biden’s Approval Collapsing Into The Mid-30s