Shocking to no one who has been paying attention, the largest abortion business in America does not respect children outside the womb any more than inside.
Recently, conservative media drew attention to Planned Parenthood’s exploitative predilection for our youngest children, highlighting one more cultural divide between those who want to protect children and those who see them as something to use or reject as they see fit.
Planned Parenthood is in hot water after comments surfaced revealing that they support sexualizing young children. The remarks came from Bill Taverner, director of Planned Parenthood’s Center for Sex Education. In 2015 he said children and adults with intellectual disabilities are “sexual beings” from birth.
Earlier, he advocated ‘porn literacy’ for children as young as kindergarten.
Fox News recently published Taverner’s comments in which he stated, “[We have] in our society, an assumption of asexuality of people with intellectual disabilities. It’s a myth that’s perpetuated, and really we are all sexual beings from birth until death.” Describing children as “sexual beings from birth” is not how most people would talk about children and reveals a pederastic and pedophilic worldview that most people rightly find disturbing.
Taverner’s comments are not outside the mainstream of Planned Parenthood, however. One media outlet noted that Planned Parenthood’s sexual education pamphlet called “Fundamentals of Teaching Sexuality” states that “sexuality is a part of life through all the ages and stages.” The pamphlet continues, “Babies, elders, and everyone in between can experience sexuality.”
This perverse impulse to sexualize children is also consistent with pop culture phenomenon, “the father of the sexual revolution” himself, Alfred Kinsey. In the 1940s and 50s, Kinsey claimed to be a scientist and researcher, and his “research” still affects public policy in the present day. Starting with the premise that children are “sexual beings,” Kinsey embraced the mindset of pedophiles who reportedly victimized hundreds of children in the course of “research.”
These assertions are not wild speculation but are confirmed by meticulous data. In one particularly disturbing example, Kinsey published Table 34 in Chapter 5 of his misleading book Sexual Behavior in the Human Male. The table purports to show the “sexual response” of children as young as infants up through adolescents. The horrifying list of sexual abuse and molestation, an evil diary, demonstrates that hundreds of children were victimized by abusers who claimed the children wanted the sexual contact.
Scholars have argued that the ultimate aim of Kinsey’s work was to destigmatize pornography. Planned Parenthood appears to be enthusiastically on board with this aim, once again going after the most vulnerable: our children.
In 2012, Taverner claimed, “There’s access to erotica, pornography. That was very different for young people 30 years ago. It’s certainly not as accessible, certainly not as instantaneous. So there’s a lot of information that is useful.”
When the interviewer interrupted to say that some pornography is wrong, Taverner said flippantly, “Some of it is wrong, a lot of it is wrong. But there’s good stuff out there as well.”
What exactly is the usefulness of sexually explicit material for young children?
We don’t have to wonder why Planned Parenthood’s top executives find it useful, though. Their website states that the abortion business is “the single largest provider of sex education in the United States, reaching 1.2 million people with education and outreach each year.”
That is a large, captive audience of children as young as five for Planned Parenthood to sexualize with inappropriate material. And that is exactly what they are doing in schools already.
When speaking about pornography, Taverner scoffed at the idea that children are being sexualized, stating, “There’s a resistance to … if we talk about porn, [some think] is it going to make people want to watch it? Which is the same faulty kind of premise as if we teach about condoms, it’s going to make people want to have sex with condoms or maybe that’s not a bad thing.”
No healthy adult wants to discuss and normalize pornography with five-year-olds. By discussing these topics and introducing explicit material, so-called ‘sex educators’ are changing the way kids think and behave.
That’s just part of Planned Parenthood’s business model, though. The abortion business wants children to act out and exhibit behavior far beyond their maturity. And if, as they get older, they find themselves in a difficult situation, even pregnant, where are they going to turn? Planned Parenthood, of course, where they will become paying customers, and perhaps end their children’s lives.
Despite the evidence of Planned Parenthood’s own words, a writer recently in the New Republic called Students for Life’s concerns evidence of being “conspiracy addled.” Yet at a time when most parents, grandparents, family, and friends are making plans for a new year with the children in their lives at the protective center, it’s not gone unnoticed that others have a different agenda.
“Age-appropriate sex education is so important,” Taverner has said. “And we have to let our experts guide us.”
Experts? Experts at ending life in the womb and getting paid for it.
Planned Parenthood’s particular focus on children — pre-born and born — is alarming. Such ‘experts’ should not be our guides.
Kristan Hawkins is president of Students for Life of America & Students for Life Action with more than 1,300 groups on educational campuses in all 50 states. Follow her @KristanHawkins or subscribe to her podcast, Explicitly Pro-Life.
The views expressed in this piece are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.

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