The 40th president is rolling over in his grave. The party of Reagan is now the party of Putin. A new poll reveals that a disturbing 57% of Republicans believe that President Trump’s relationship with Russian dictator Vladimir Putin is a good thing. Only 14% are opposed to the president’s friendlier relations with Moscow.
YouGov poll: 57 percent of GOPs think Trump’s relationship with Putin is a good thing. Just 14 percent oppose. Jeez.
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) July 26, 2017
These are the same Republicans who slammed former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s Russia reset as farcical and naïve. These are the same Republicans who proclaimed not so long ago that the Obama administration’s negotiations with the Russians over Ukraine, Syria, and Iran were costing lives and endangering U.S. national security.
But as The Daily Wire’s own Ben Shapiro wrote, the “great soul-sucking” has all but consumed the Republican party.
The fact is, Republicans are selling out.
Putin is no friend to America. That should be self-evident, but in the age of Trump, truth seems to take a backseat to loyalty.
Let’s be clear here: Putin and his army of Kremlin-backed Russian hackers have done everything in their power to undermine American society’s trust in our civic institutions.
From disseminating disinformation via social media trolls to hacking the emails of American politicians to even attempting to hack into our voting machines, Russia’s cyberwar was launched to weaken the U.S. from within.
In a zealous effort to resurrect the imperialistic power of the Soviet Union, Putin, himself a former KGB officer, is renewing Cold War tactics against the world’s sole remaining superpower. After suffering a humiliating ideological defeat, Moscow’s neo-Soviet government is making up for lost time during the relatively quiet rule of Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin. Threats of nuclear annihilation, proxy warfare, and aggressive KGB clandestine operations failed to take down America’s powerful status, and now, Putin wants revenge.
When he’s not dispatching Russian troops to sovereign Ukrainian territory, killing civilians in Syria for his client, the genocidal Assad regime, or threatening NATO allies, Putin is playing tsar at home.
This is a man who rules with an iron grip, murdering political dissidents, journalists, and anybody who stands in the way of his totalitarian rule with the fervor of Vlad the Impaler. Putin has done more to suppress journalists than any other post-Cold War Russian leader. Russia is among the most hostile countries for reporters. State-run “news,” like RT (formerly known as Russia Today), spew pro-Putin propaganda, while attacking the West with venom. Russia’s notorious FSB makes sure that writers, reporters, artists, and journalists all follow the script. Putin himself has been accused of ordering the assassination of multiple journalists. The Guardian’s Peter Preston sums it up best: “A free press seems to mean pitifully little to [Putin]. You investigate? You report? You die, unavenged.”
Rarely do moral imperatives and strategic goals align. But with Putin, the United States has both a moral obligation and a long-term foreign policy interest in challenging Russia’s acts of aggression at home and abroad.
Once upon a time, the Republican party saw Vladimir Putin for who he was: an ex-KGB thug hostile to American interests. Not anymore. After months of sipping on the Trump kool-aid, self-evident truths are now faded memories. We are witnessing in real time what the cult of personality can do to a party’s principles. What happened to honor, integrity, and duty to country? Just a couple decades ago, an American patriot stood in Berlin and demanded that Mr. Gorbachev tear down that wall. Now, a reality show star is asking Mr. Putin to pass the champagne and all Republicans can do is succumb to sycophancy and nod along.