A white powdery substance that was discovered in the West Wing of the White House on Sunday night has been confirmed to be cocaine, according to officials.
ABC News reported that a spokesperson for the U.S. Secret Service confirmed on Wednesday that the substance, which initial tests indicated was cocaine, has been confirmed to be the illicit drug after additional testing was conducted.
The discovery prompted widespread speculation that the cocaine could have belonged to Hunter Biden, President Joe Biden’s troubled son who has battled cocaine and crack addiction in the past and has recently been seen at the White House. However, officials did not say if the younger Biden is under suspicion.
“The item was sent for further evaluation and an investigation into the cause and manner of how it entered the White House is pending,” said Secret Service spokesman Anthony Guglielmi.
The cocaine was in a small plastic baggie inside a cubby used by staff and guests, a source familiar with the investigation told the New York Post. The White House was briefly evacuated after the discovery.
Officials initially said the cocaine was found in the library on the ground floor, but officials familiar with the incident later told The Post it was located in the West Wing holding area. The cubby is used by employees and visitors to store phones and personal items, an official told The Post.
President Biden was at Camp David for the holiday weekend and did not return to the White House until Tuesday morning.
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