A secret recording of a George Soros-backed, Northern Virginia prosecutor captured her railing against efforts to oust school board members following a rape coverup scandal, even though she insisted in court she was unbiased and capable of overseeing the recalls.
Loudoun County prosecutor Buta Biberaj is heard on the recording blasting conservative activists who collected signatures to trigger a process in which the prosecutor is supposed to make the case to a judge that a politician should be removed. Parents believed that the far-Left prosecutor would deliberately botch the recall if she were in charge of it. The recording leave little doubt about how she felt about the recalls.
“Ian Prior is a lawyer, he can manipulate the s*** out of this f***ing system,” Biberaj says in the secret audio, referring to the head of a group called Fight for Schools that was involved in the school board recall process. The audio was recorded on election day of last year while Biberaj was handing out Democrat sample ballots outside of a polling place alongside someone who she thought was a Democrat activist, but who was actually recording her and provided the audio to The Daily Wire.
The pair was standing next to a tent where conservatives were encouraging voters to recall Biberaj herself. In the recording, the prosecutor drew a link between the two recall efforts, and signaled contempt for both. When one liberal voter asked her about the recall tent, saying, “Are they talking about this bulls*** CRT” that doesn’t exist, Biberaj replied: “Yep, that’d be part of it. They’re doing a recall. Remember how they did the recall of the school board? They’re also now directing it at me as a prosecutor. Remember the dad that was at the school board? The sheriff arrested him and then they’re coming after me because I prosecuted him.”
The recall-Buta tent was manned by that dad: Scott Smith, the father who Biberaj tried to put in jail after he got angry that the superintendent lied about his daughter’s rape. When the wind began to blow his tent away, leading the undercover mother to believe it could hurt someone, Biberaj told her not to help. “Leave it,” she said. “What did we say about God’s will?”

Photo by Scott Smith
“This is what my biggest thing is with the recalls is (sic),” she said. “This is why we have, I don’t know, what’s that word? Elections! Put somebody up who’s better! Cause you’re going to argue like a school board member can’t be a school board member because they made your kids wear a mask? Really? What would have happened if kids were dying?”
“They are trying to undo the elections” and “It’s all about suppressing the vote,” she said of recalls.
She also had ill words for the county’s judges, saying, “The judges are not pro us, they are all Republicans. Oh yeah. Like the former prosecutor got a judgeship because they knew he was gonna lose.”
Biberaj did not tell the court that she philosophically opposed recalls, and initially refused to recuse herself from her role prosecuting the recalls of her fellow Democrats. In October 2021 at a hearing for the recall of school board member Beth Barts, she argued that she had no cause to recuse.
“It says … ‘Officials who are biased or prejudiced regarding certain matters should recuse themselves from overseeing these matters and the burden of proving an individual is biased or prejudiced lies with the party seeking recusal,” she said in court. “What is the bias? Where is the bias that would suggest to the Court that the Commonwealth is not in a position to make its decision in the best interest of its responsibilities?”
Barts was facing recall after The Daily Wire exposed her role in a Facebook group called the Anti-Racist Parents of Loudoun County that created a list of parents who opposed coronavirus closures or were insufficiently supportive of racial “equity” in schools and pledged to “hack” and “expose” them. Biberaj was a member of the same Facebook group, but shrugged that off as meaningless.
“In and of itself, anti-racist parents, right. So when we start talking about that, in and of itself, that title by itself does not suggest anything in any particular direction as it relates to the proceedings in this matter. It would be the same thing if somebody belonging to a group, and you know, let’s talk about if it was a sporting event, you know, the Washington football team,” she said.
In January 2022, a similar scene played out at a proceeding on the recall of school board chair Brenda Sheridan. Biberaj said people could count on her to use good judgment.
“I’ll say it for everybody in the courtroom, to include the Court — I’ve been practicing for almost 30 years. If somebody thinks I’m going to sacrifice my license for any case, they have lost their damn mind. So we’re just going to put that right out there. Because I am always going to protect my license before I would ever think about doing anything that is untoward, unprofessional, or unethical,” she said.
“Fight For Schools also has indicated… ‘Disqualification is appropriate where the prosecutor has some direct personal interest arising from animosity towards the party,’” she said. “The animosity, I think there were allegations, but there has been no evidence of that.”
Biberaj did not return a request for comment.
The judge, Jeanette Irby, ultimately disqualified Biberaj from the Barts prosecution because of the appearance of conflict. Barts resigned from office. But then Irby recused herself as judge, and her replacement appointed another George Soros-backed prosecutor to take Biberaj’s place in the Sheridan case–who dropped it.
The audio was obtained as Loudoun and Biberaj are under scrutiny for a rebranded version of the Anti-Racist Parents, called the Loudoun Love Warriors, in which members used violent rhetoric such as wanting to “curb-stomp” a parent who spoke at a school board meeting, while working to protect Biberaj from criticism.
“Someone gonna get hurt on their side and I hope I get to do it,” one member said, according to a Daily Wire review of the chat messages. “I’m sooo ready to show up with guns lol.”
A campaign staffer for Biberaj, Andrew Pihonack, was a lead member of the group, and plotted to get a 65-year-old man fired after falsely claiming that he said he wanted to drown gays. “There is NO peace or reasoning with these people who [sic] getting people like me KILLED,” Pihonak wrote.
“Reciprocation is our only move. And I don’t care how that comes across,” another group member, Derek Summers, said. “If he had said that s*** about black kids or autistic kids I would shoot him.”
Loudoun County Democratic Committee chairman Avi Fechter told The Daily Wire in a statement that “At this time, two LCDC members have resigned due to their participation in a conversation that involved violent rhetoric.” However, neither he nor Biberaj would say that she had fired him from her campaign.