A school nurse in Connecticut was suspended after she revealed on Facebook that an 11-year-old student at her school was on puberty blockers and that other students identified as non-binary without their parents being informed.
Kathleen Cataford, 77, was suspended from Hartford Public Schools after she posted the comments on Facebook, the Daily Mail reported. Cataford’s comments were labeled “transphobic” after she posted to a local mother’s group when someone asked for local school recommendations, saying parents should “Investigate the school system curriculum…CT is a very socially liberal, gender confused state.”
“As a public school nurse, I have an 11yo female student on puberty blockers and a dozen identifying as non-binary, all but two keeping this as a secret from their parents with the help of teachers, SSW [social workers] and school administration,” Cataford continued, according to the Mail. “Teachers and SSW are spending 37.5 hours a week influencing our children, not necessarily teaching our children what YOU think is being taught.”
Cataford also reportedly said in her post that “children are introduced to this confusion in kindergarten by the school SW who ‘teaches’ social and emotional regulation and school expectations.”
Cataford continued: “Science tells us that a child’s brain continues development into the early 20’s, hence laws prohibiting alcohol, tobacco, vaping and cannabis. But it’s ok to inject hormones into confused prepubescent children and perform genital mutilating surgery on adolescents!”
Puberty blockers are marketed to children and family as being reversible, but studies show this may not be true. In 2017, The Daily Wire reported on one such study, which found there that “There are virtually no published reports, even case studies, of adolescents withdrawing from puberty-suppressing drugs, and then resuming the normal pubertal development typical for their sex.”
Hartford School District officials were made aware of the post after the mother of the 11-year-old reportedly on puberty blockers saw it and reported it, the Mail reported. The family of the student, who have not been identified in media reports, told WSFB that “As a family we are very happy with how thoroughly and quickly the school and the district has taken action to both ensure the nurse is fully investigated and ensure the safety and privacy of our child. They could not have done a better job.”
Hartford Public Schools superintendent Dr. Leslie Torres-Rodriguez released a statement regarding Cataford’s remarks, without naming her.
“Hartford Public Schools strives to provide an inclusive environment where all students feel seen, valued, respected, and heard,” Torres-Rodriguez said in the statement. “We uphold all of our staff to a high standard, entrusting them to be caretakers and leaders in the community. We as a school district are responsible for the health, well-being, social and emotional development, and safety of ALL of the children entrusted to our care. It is our responsibility to support our students’ growth, personal experiences, and social-emotional development.”
“We take this matter, and any incident that impacts our students’ well-being, very seriously. Ensuring our schools are a safe place for students, staff and visitors is our highest priority. Therefore, we took immediate action to remove this individual from our schools while we investigate,” Torres-Rodriguez added. “While at times the most hateful rhetoric is the loudest it certainly doesn’t reflect the care, commitment, and acceptance that the vast majority of our teachers and staff practice every day.”