One of the nation’s most prestigious law schools admitted a transgender student who in his application dismissed his diagnoses of mental disorders as coming from a “white bitch” psychiatrist in “Amerikkka,” then later cursed out a feminist law professor as transphobic and sent bizarre emails to the entire student body, according to documents reviewed by The Daily Wire.
Northwestern School of Law capitulated to the student, Ishani Chokshi, and even gave him his own law journal, which published his screeds likening judges’ gavels to “dildos.” And last month, a year after Chokshi graduated, a prestigious law journal published a “legal paper” by him that details his purported sexual escapades with seven men.
On May 3, Northwestern Law’s Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology published “Of Law and Men,” attributed to “badgaltranny,” an alias of Chokshi, in which he wrote, “I, an Indian-American transgender woman, share stories of my sexual escapades with seven Trump supporters.”
The publication of the profane screed in a reputable journal gives insight into the culture that has overtaken top law schools, including the shouting down of a conservative federal judge by Stanford Law students who said they felt too unsafe to participate in a debate.
As law schools scrambled to increase “diversity” by admitting more minorities, the highly selective Evanston, Illinois, school bit at Chokshi’s application, which an email he later sent to the whole school suggested consisted of a “personal statement” railing against whites and the West and delving into his sexuality.
“This is the story of the time I overcome a crippling misdiagnosis by a white bitchy psychologist; it is also the story of how I came to terms with myself as a transgender woman,” the personal statement began. “It puts me in the clichéd paradox of having to prove my sanity to you, something I like to think I already did for my undergraduate thesis and didn’t intend on repeating for anyone (especially not a bunch of lawyers).”
“You see, I fell into the Western lack of space when a white woman misdiagnosed me with ‘other’ psychosis and ‘possible’ schizophrenia, a fate all too common for trans women of color. For the cherry on top, she told me that I would never get into any law school (especially not Harvard) due to my cannabis use… As I had just smoked a joint before coming into the office, this frightened me.”
In reality, Chokshi said, “my verbal fluency was essentially unmatchable, my overall intelligence: very superior, and my emotional intelligence: extraordinary.”
“A Black woman who did my initial intake, revolted against her boss’s misdiagnosis. She did not see my pain as psychotic, but real. She rediagnosed me with the holy trinity of anxiety, depression, and PTSD… The psychologists’ differing diagnoses, literally black-and-white, is a poetic microcosm of American racial consciousness.”
But once Chokshi was on campus, his actions raised questions about which therapist was right.
He routinely spammed a listserv that included every member of the student body with sentiments such as “it is not the judge’s tongue but his c–k which reins [sic].” The emails, reviewed by The Daily Wire, also included mundane musings such as “I am emailing because today is my birthday… I am asking for donations of $5,000 and $10,000.”
In January 2020, Northwestern awarded Chokshi the “winner of the MLK Dream Week Chicago Campus Oratorical Contest.”
The chaos was not limited to cyberspace. After a professor, Tonja Jacobi, asked Chokshi to move away from the doorway when smoking a cigarette, Chokshi screamed that she was a “f–king bitch.” Chokshi eventually issued a seemingly forced apology to Jacobi, saying, “I am emailing to deliver you my apology for the smoking incident a few weeks ago… I spoke disrespectfully and offensively to your request that I move further away from the door.”
Jacobi did not accept the apology, copying administrators and saying that Chokshi was anti-woman.
“This was not a ‘smoking incident;’ this was verbal abuse combined with sexist epithets and bullying conduct,” she wrote. “I have made Northwestern’s office of equity aware of the situation because it meets the criteria for discriminatory and harassing conduct based on a protected category.”
Chokshi then took to the all-student listserv saying Jacobi had “harassed” him. Jacobi, who is accomplished in advancing women’s rights, took umbrage and said so.
“I dispute that there was any harassment, and certainly I had no interaction with you that had any relationship to you being trans,” Jacobi wrote in an email to Chokshi. “This claim and the implication it carries can only do considerable harm to the important cause of promoting the rights of trans persons… I read that email as you crying wolf.”
Chokshi then targeted Jacobi’s race, denigrating her as a “yt woman” in an email to the entire student body.
“Unfortunately, I’ve been compelled to email the whole listserv again about my experience at the hands of a faculty member,” it began. Chokshi claimed that Dean Kimberly A. Yuracko had taken his side against Jacobi and written to him to say, “[i]n addition to communicating to [Tonja Jacobi] that her behavior was uncivil, inappropriate, and out of line, I will also instruct her not to contact you… I will also speak with Tonja about the myriad power dynamics at play between the two of you and ensure she is mindful of those dynamics and does not use them to her unfair advantage.”
Chokshi asked students to flood Jacobi’s inbox to “educate her about the ways white women weaponize their ‘hurt feelings’ to demonize women of color, and especially trans women of color, to paint us as ‘aggressive’ whenever we resist ill treatment by their hands.” They should also “Email Dean Yuracko… asking for radical changes to the structure, culture, and approach to leadership at the law school.” If students “decline” to do this, “please refrain from offering me your sympathies… Honestly, I’m f–king tired,” Chokshi wrote.
The school’s identity groups, such as the Black Law Students Association, co-wrote an “open letter” doing as Chokshi instructed.
In August 2021, the Northwestern University Law Review, its most competitive journal, published an article by Chokshi in which he explained how he argued a mock case by saying, “In closing, I would like to note that I am a trans woman of color and so you should decide for me.”
In April 2022, Northwestern appeared to make further concessions to Chokshi by creating a new law journal for him. “Please consider applying for the Executive Board of the Northwestern Law Journal des Refusés (NLJR), approved just a few weeks ago by Dean Hari Osofsky for an initial 2-year probationary period!” he wrote to the student body, calling it “the newest, coolest, hippest, most ~avant-garde~ Journal of Law on the block.”
The journal published a book of Chokshi’s ramblings on gavel dildos and other topics and distributed it around campus.
Chokshi graduated in May 2022. But last month, the Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, a longstanding law journal, belatedly published his paper about his sexual escapades.
“I invited them into my bed. The boys. Seven of them I know for sure were Trumpies, many others I can only hazard a guess,” the supposedly academic paper read. “The second of my seven Trumpies told me conspiracies about Jews as I laid naked in his lap,” it said. “My third Trumpy had a framed picture of Bannon on his piano. … He would f–k me furiously and never climax.”
“I see all the Jew-skeptic, Black-fearing, tranny-f–king Trumpies talking eloquently about how ‘the lack of respect for Law & Order is the main thing’ as they vote for the man who has never submitted to neither Law nor Woman. … I see genocide in our future,” it continued.
“When Law Professor Storyhaters label storytelling as too biased for legitimate scholarship, they do not have legitimate worries of psychobabble. … Theorizing gives Storyhaters a false sense of power over their own psychosexual frustrations.”
The journal’s editors did not respond to questions about its legal and academic value, nor did Chokshi.