Comedian Sarah Silverman is scraping the bottom of the barrel in her doomed quest to make abortion seem funny. Now, the rabid feminist is making jokes about eating aborted fetuses.
According to LifeNews, Silverman attended a Lady Parts Justice League (founded by Daily Show creator Lizz Winstead) telethon in early February called Life Is a Living Nightmare: A Telethon to Fix It with the expressed mission of raising funds to support abortion.
“The fundraiser, hosted by Winstead herself, along with comedian Sarah Silverman, featured almost 4 hours of bizarre content, including abortion charades, an interview with abortionist Willie Parker, and political rants,” LifeNews described the proceedings.
A woman in a vagina costume introduced the game of grotesque charades, which they called “S**tty Law Charades.” It was in performing one of the grotesque abortion skits that Silverman made her quip about how a certain pro-life law aroused her appetite for mutilated baby parts. The conscience clause law she took issue with bans aborted fetuses from being used in manufactured food products (see Pepsi).
“If anything has ever made me want to eat an aborted fetus, it’s this law,” said Silverman.
Silverman also blasted the concept of religious freedom, saying it’s now used to enforce bigotry.
“Religious freedom used to be such a beautiful thing cuz it was like this big inclusive thing in the country, and now it’s just this shroud to legalize hate and s**t like that,” said Silverman.
The second law parodied mandated the cremation and burial of every aborted fetus. Silverman ghoulishly said of this law: “F**king funerals for f**king aborted fetuses? I would like to speak at those funerals. He lived the way he died. He died the way he lived. The size of a sesame seed with no discerning brain function.”
Also present was Star Wars actor Mark Hamill, who spent his time creating two pieces of art to auction off. “Disney gave us a Last Jedi poster, and when we figure out who wins, I’ll personalize it. I’ll write something obscene and dirty if you want,” he said in presenting his work.
Winstead ended the live-stream praising abortion providers, succumbing to tears: “These people that provide this amazing care for people are demonized and shunned and they provide literally a pathway to somebody’s life every single day. And if we let them have to provide the care and defend what they do, when we’ve all used it to become better people, we’re doing a disservice to our society. And so that’s why we do the work.”