House Republican Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) said on Wednesday that the GOP will address the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act on day one if the party wins control of the House during the midterm elections.
Scalise made the remark during a press conference in response to a question regarding Republican plans for pro-life legislation if Roe v. Wade is overturned by the Supreme Court.
“I hope that the ruling comes out soon and I hope it’s the ruling that was leaked. I’m disappointed that there was a leak,” Scalise said during the press conference.
“We’re a party who defends life and we would celebrate a ruling that allows elected leaders to defend life and debate in open public what those laws should be in every state and in Washington. Clearly, we will move day one if we get the majority on the Born-Alive Act,” he added.
The bill, introduced in January, fell short of the 218 signatures needed to force a House vote.
Scalise also blasted Democrats over the extreme legislation being considered in the Senate regarding abortion rights.
“Chuck Schumer right now is bringing a bill on the Senate floor today to make America in the category of China, North Korea, and Guinea. We would be in the territory of countries that allow abortion on demand as widespread as we’ve seen it anywhere in the world,” he said.
.@SteveScalise: "Chuck Schumer right now is bringing a bill on the Senate floor today to make America in the category of China, North Korea and Guinea. We would be in the territory of countries that allow abortion on demand as widespread as we've seen it anywhere in the world."
— The Hill (@thehill) May 11, 2022
All 50 Republican senators and West Virginia Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin intend to vote in opposition to the bill titled the Women’s Health Protection Act. The vote, likely 51 against and 49 in favor of the legislation, will fall far short of the 60-vote supermajority required by the Senate filibuster.
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) vowed to push for the Wednesday vote to force every senator to go on record regarding the abortion-supporting legislation ahead of the Supreme Court’s ruling.
“Come next week, Senate Republicans will have to answer for everything they’ve done over the years to embolden the hard Right’s hostility against a woman’s choice,” Schumer said in remarks on the Senate floor last week. “They will not be able to hide from the American people and cannot hide their role in bringing Roe to an end. The vote will tell, next week. America will be watching.”
“All week we’ve been seeing Republicans try to duck, dodge and dip from their responsibility for bringing Roe to the brink of total repeal. That’s what they’ve been trying to do for decades,” he added. “Next week, the American people will see crystal clear that when given the chance to right this wrong, the Republican Party will either side with the extremists who want to ban abortion without exceptions, or side with women, with families and the vast majority of Americans.”
The Daily Wire previously reported in August that Democrats in the Senate effectively went on record as pro-infanticide by voting down the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act proposed by Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE). The bill would force doctors to treat born-alive infants from botched abortions with full medical care, instead of letting them die.