Last week, former Disney Channel star Miley Cyrus posted a photo of herself posing suggestively with a cake promoting abortion; nonsensically, the cake said “Abortion is Healthcare” in icing. The photo was used in a promotional campaign for Marc Jacobs sweatshirts; all the proceeds for the merchandise will apparently be funneled to taxpayer-funded abortion mill Planned Parenthood.
Responding to the 26-year-old’s promotional content for abortion, pro-life groups decided to recreate the image in more realistic terms. Students for Life, for example, posted a photo of a baby girl eating the icing off a cake that says “Abortion Is Violence” in icing.
“Mothers and their children deserve better than abortion!” a caption from the group reads. “Miley Cyrus and Planned Parenthood teamed up to perpetuate the lie that abortion is healthcare. But we know the truth, and we fixed their cake. Abortion betrays women.”
Save the Storks, another pro-life group, responded, too. Their photo showcases a baby digging into a cake that simply states, “Celebrate Life.”
“Women’s rights begin in the womb!” the photo’s caption reads. “Very special collab with moms who’ve chosen life. Like if you believe in healthcare for ALL — including the preborn.”
“Miley Cyrus posted a social media meme and message that blatantly steers women toward abortion,” Save the Storks founder Joe Baker said in a statement, according to TheBlaze. “We at Save the Storks want to shine a light on her insensitive post and obvious disregard for the truth about abortion.”
Another pro-life woman made her own Cyrus-style cake, reading, “Pregnant Women Are Mothers.”
The phrase is a knock on Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg recently arguing that pregnant women are somehow not mothers. “[A] woman who exercises her constitutionally protected right to terminate a pregnancy is not a ‘mother,'” Justice Ginsburg wrote in May.
“SO, my cake got a lil wonky … I gotta admit it, [Miley Cyrus] has some rad baking skills but I’m pretty sure she spelled murder wrong,” the caption on the photo reads. “Anyway, this is my lil correction to her cake.”
“Abortion denies motherhood & I just won’t stand for that,” the post continues. “Ps. I won’t be licking this cake bc that’s gross & my family wouldn’t appreciate it.”
The Daily Wire, graciously, “fixed” the cake for Cyrus. In our version, the cake reads, “Abortion isn’t Healthcare.”
And then there was The Daily Wire’s own Michael Knowles giving his own, uh, unique spin on the cake:
Despite Hollywood and liberal media push-back, pro-lifers have been accruing serious wins across the nation. A handful of states, including Ohio and Georgia, have passed “heartbeat” legislation this year that would ban abortion when an unborn child’s heartbeat is detectable (around six weeks’ gestation time). Notably, earlier this month, the Democratic Governor of Louisiana signed such a bill into law.