
Pelosi And The Swamp: Millions Of Babies Killed, Record Overdoses, Job Loss, And Open Borders

UNITED STATES - OCTOBER 29 - Incoming speaker Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., shakes hands with outgoing Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, as House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., stands beside in the House Chambers of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, Thursday, October 29, 2015.
(Al Drago/CQ Roll Call via Getty Images)

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) announced that she will not seek re-election to Democratic leadership in the new Congress. This can only mean that the 82 year old is one step closer to retirement.

Good riddance.

Since she was elected into office, America has been ruthlessly gutted of blue-collar jobs, strong borders, and precious life spanning all ages.

This, of course, was not solely her fault. It takes two to tango in Washington, D.C., and her team was aided and abetted by a Republican Party that often seemed to pass Democrat-lite policies.

It was no surprise then that former GOP Speakers of the House John Boehner and Paul Ryan wished Pelosi well as she stepped down from leadership.

“Congratulations @SpeakerPelosi on a remarkable, historic run of service in the People’s House,” Boehner tweeted Thursday. “We were able to disagree without being disagreeable. You’ve been unfailingly gracious to me and my family.”

Ryan welcomed her arrival in a special D.C. “club.”

“I tip my cap as I welcome @speakerpelosi to the former speaker’s club and congratulate her on a historic career in the House,” he tweeted.

Pelosi, elected in 1987, Boehner, elected in 1990, and Ryan, elected in 1998, were intimately involved in either creating a dismal America riddled with social ailments or allowing it to happen.

In other words, their legacy has consisted of constantly putting Americans last, especially those most vulnerable among us.

For example, since 1987, nearly 40 million babies have been aborted in the womb, according to the pro-choice Guttmacher Institute.

Pelosi has constantly championed a woman’s so-called right to choose while also claiming that she is a devout Catholic.

Her support for the “right” to kill children has been so profound that her own bishop has barred priests from allowing her to receive the Eucharist — the source and summit of the faith, reserved for those in a state of grace (without mortal sin).

On the spiritual side, her anti-life stance has been a source of confusion and scandal for millions of Catholics, adding to her egregious behavior.

Boehner and Ryan are also Catholic, but evidently thought she was still worthy of praise.

Beyond fatalities in the womb, deaths from drug overdoses — preventable and otherwise — have skyrocketed. “In 2020, 83,558 people died from preventable drug overdoses – an increase of 649% since 1999,” according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

In 2021, more than 100,000 people died of a drug overdose. Many of those deaths involved fentanyl.

Similarly, America has lost millions of manufacturing jobs over the past three decades. The nation has seen 5.5 million of those positions cease to exist since the year 2000.

Except, those jobs didn’t simply go away. D.C. policies often encouraged companies to create their products in far-off countries. Cheaper products would benefit the American people. In 2016, folks like Ryan were still arguing that virtually unlimited free trade was a good thing, pushing back against policies he deemed “protectionist.”

To her credit, Pelosi spoke out against trade deals with China in the 1990s but was ultimately unable to stop the bleeding.

In the end, the evidence shows that the loss of jobs is partly responsible for increased drug use since social degradation and loss of purpose lead to finding fulfillment in vices like drugs. In turn, a government focused on creating as cheap a product as possible with little regard for the country’s social fabric, turns out, is a bad thing.

Now, despite hundreds dying each day, there does not seem to be a concern for the matter stemming from Washington. Fentanyl is now the leading cause of death for Americans aged 18-45, yet that was barely mentioned during the midterm campaigns by either party.

Where do those narcotics come from?

According to a report, the “dominant” source of fentanyl in the U.S. is Mexico.

Pounds upon pounds of the deadly substance are stopped by border patrol every year, but the numbers have gone up dramatically under Biden.

All three — Pelosi, Boehner, and Ryan — opposed varying degrees of tighter border security and often worked for some amnesty for illegal immigrants.

That porous border has undoubtedly contributed to the epidemic of drug overdoses, a report from the federal Commission on Combating Synthetic Opioid Trafficking indicated.

On that note, according to a 2018 Yale study, as many as 29 million illegal aliens have entered the country since 1987. Our sovereignty has taken a dramatic hit since the 1986 amnesty bill heralded by then-Congressman Chuck Schumer (D-NY).

In recent years, Biden’s policies, supported by Pelosi, have created a tsunami of illegal immigration.

Again, how is that worthy of praise from former GOP elected officials like Boehner and Ryan?

Through it all, federal spending has also soared, as has the size of government, yet when real conservative opposition formed in reaction to that reality — The Tea Party — Boehner, Ryan, and Pelosi threw them under the bus.

In 2021, Boehner wrote in his memoir, “What Nancy Pelosi and other sane Democrats — the ones who’ve been around long enough to know how things work — are dealing with from AOC and her Squad reminds me a lot of what I had to deal with during my days as Speaker from the far-right kooks of the Tea Party or the Freedom Caucus or whatever they were calling themselves.”

The Tea Party and Freedom Caucus simply wanted a government that stayed within its budget, returned power back to the states, defunded Planned Parenthood, and secured the border among other things that Republicans such as Boehner and Ryan had been promising to do for years.

To put into context how unbelievable Boehner’s remark is, Republican Florida Governor Ron DeSantis was a founding member of the Freedom Caucus — which would mean that Boehner thinks of him as a “kook” as well.

The trio’s gripes with former President Donald Trump are well known, yet none of them seem to realize that their failure on matters discussed in this column can explain his rise and why Americans flocked to him.

Boehner resigned as speaker in 2015 after his apparent life goal of getting the pope to speak before Congress was accomplished. There was nothing left for him to do, he has implied numerous times. A pope speaking before Congress is nice, but it doesn’t really do anything for the American people.

Ryan decided against seeking re-election during the Trump administration and slinked away for a few years only to return in recent months to castigate Trump. Ryan is still arguing that Republicans need to focus mostly on economic issues and the threat of government in order to win big.

He says this despite social issue victories in states like Virginia and Florida. Trump’s policies, which Ryan has warned against, grew the party in ways Ryan only dreamed of. Now DeSantis and Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R-VA) are expanding on Trumpism.

Yet oddly enough, Boehner and Ryan have kinder words for Pelosi than they ever have had for Trump or the Tea Party.

Sure, she held her left-wing socialists at bay in recent years, but Pelosi also enriched herself with all-too-timely stock trades that have raised eyebrows.

Americans, meanwhile, have suffered under the Swamp as multiple generations of politicians from both parties have focused on all the wrong problems as they silence any true grassroots movements to shake up the system.

She scored wins for the Democratic Party, but those don’t translate into victories for the voters.

Why the praise, unless your worldview aligns more with the Democrats than the conservative base?

The views expressed in this piece are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.

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