During an interview on Fox Business, actor Kevin Sorbo bashed the seemingly anti-American rhetoric coming out of Hollywood when discussing a Marvel Comics mini-series that promotes the idea that the American Dream can become the “American lie.”
As Fox News reported, issue one of the new “Captain America” comic, titled “The United States of Captain America,” includes:
“… The first American dream is the one that isn’t real. It’s one some people expect to just be handed to them … When the truth is, it never really existed in the first place … other cultures. Immigrants … We’re at our best when we keep no one out. A good dream is shared. Shared radically. Shared with everyone. When something isn’t shared, it can become the American lie.”
“We keep reaching new levels of insanity,” Sorbo told Fox’s “Varney & Co.,” stating, “It’s obvious America is a great country. This is just another example of lies from the Left.”
“Walt Disney said back in the 1950s … movies and television will influence our youth,” Sorbo noted. “Look at what’s going on in the streets across America today, especially in all the blue states and the blue cities, and all the anger and hate and violence going on out there.”
“I think people that really think this is a horrible country really should go spend a year in other countries where they think their utopia is and find out what socialism and communism truly is all about,” Sorbo said, per Fox News.
He added that people still want to uproot their lives and come to America. “If they knew it was going to be just as bad as where they were leaving, why do we have so many people in the world that still want to flock to this country?” Sorbo asked. “I don’t see anybody taking boats from Key West to Cuba. I don’t see anybody rushing to get down to Venezuela.”
He said that there are other people out there who think like he does, adding, “I think that America is still a pretty darn good place to live and a pretty darn good place to come to pursue your dreams,” Sorbo said. “This country was built on individuals. It was never built on big government.”
As The Daily Wire reported, actor Dean Cain, known for playing Superman in the TV series “Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman,” went on “Fox & Friends” on Monday to criticize the new woke incarnation of Marvel Comics’ Captain America, blasting, “I am so tired of all of this wokeness and anti-Americanism.”
Asked if the new Captain America bothered him, Cain replied, “You know, I love Captain America; I love the concept of Captain America, but I am so tired of all of this wokeness and anti-Americanism. You know, we just celebrated our 245th birthday. In my opinion, America is the greatest country in history. It’s not perfect; we are constantly striving for a more perfect union, as we all know, but I believe she’s the most fair, equitable country ever, with more opportunity than anyone’s ever seen. And that’s why people are clamoring to get here from all over the globe.”
“I agree with Senator Tom Cotton, who was on a couple of days ago, who said that perhaps Captain needs to be demoted to Lieutenant,” Cain asserted. “I think it makes good sense. We’re here because America has its founding principles, which I firmly believe in. I believe in individual freedom; I believe in equality of opportunity, not outcome. Competition: the ability to compete fairly. Hard work, which brings you success and brings you material wealth, which in turn gives you self-reliance. That’s what everybody wants on the face of this planet; that’s what everybody strives for, that’s why they’re trying to come here.”
“And I find this wokeness, it’s pervasive; it goes through everything; it goes through our school system,” he said. “The cool thing to do today is bash America. The comic books do it; the schools indoctrinate our kids, they do that; our movies, our television shows are full of it. Celebrities, actors, athletes, media: they love to bash America.”