Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Monday that what Israel is preparing to do to those responsible for the heinous attacks on the nation over the weekend will be remembered for decades.
The remarks come after 900 people inside Israel, including several U.S. citizens, were murdered by Hamas terrorists in a widespread coordinated attack that involved sophisticated planning.
“Israel is at war,” Netanyahu said. “We didn’t want this war. It was forced upon us in the most brutal and savage way. But though Israel didn’t start this war, Israel will finish it.”
Netanyahu highlighted the persecution that Jews have faced throughout history, noting that they were no longer “stateless” or “defenseless.”
“Hamas will understand that by attacking us, they have made a mistake of historic proportions,” he said. “We will exact a price that will be remembered by them and Israel’s other enemies for decades to come.”
He said that the Palestinians slaughtered entire families, massacred hundreds at a festival, kidnapped scores of women and elderly people — including a Holocaust survivor.
“Hamas terrorists bound, burned and executed children,” he said. “They are savages. Hamas is ISIS. And just as the forces of civilization united to defeat ISIS, the forces of civilization must support Israel in defeating Hamas.”
In a speech delivered in English, Netanyahu thanked the U.S. for its support of the Jewish state.
In a speech delivered in Hebrew to the Israeli people, Netanyahu said that some of the acts carried out by Hamas were so barbaric that he would not describe the acts on television.
He said that Israel’s five main goals for now were defeating any terrorists remaining in Israel; launching massive, unprecedented offensive operation; not allowing the conflict to spread to other border areas; expanding support in the international community; and solidifying national unity in the country.
He said that any city where Hamas operates will be turned into “a city of ruins.”
“I know we all want results here and now. It will take time,” he said, adding that by the time the war was over “all of Israel’s enemies will know that it was a terrible mistake to attack Israel.”
He said what Israel is about to do to its enemies will resonate with them “for generations.”
Israel is at war.
We didn’t want this war.
It was forced upon us in the most brutal and savage way.
But though Israel didn’t start this war, Israel will finish it.Once, the Jewish people were stateless.
Once, the Jewish people were defenseless.
No longer.Hamas will…
— Benjamin Netanyahu – בנימין נתניהו (@netanyahu) October 9, 2023